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Written by
Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
Category: Reports Reports
Published: November 01, 2009 November 01, 2009
Gallstones are believed by the medical establishment to be formed inside the gallbladder: not the liver. They are thought to be few in number, instead of hundreds. Supposedly, gallstones are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. Orthodox doctors believe these things, because whenever patients have acute gallbladder pain, some of the stones have already moved into the gallbladder, and they are big enough, and sufficiently calcified enough to view with x-rays. The stones inside the liver are rarely noticed. It is where gallstones actually originate.
Whenever the gallbladder is surgically removed, the acute gallbladder attacks disappear, but the bursitis, other miscellaneous pains, and digestive problems remain. Those who have had surgical removal of their gallbladders frequently continue to get bile-coated stones elsewhere that are identical to the supposed "gallstones" described by medical literature. Doctors virtually never mention this to patients beforehand, and dishonestly promote the surgery as a permanent cure.
Gallbladder problems most often arise from poor dietary practices and lifestyles. In most cases, this involves eating too much fat, whilst having few vegetables in a diet. Protein diets that minimize or eliminate vegetables are a recent fad, which easily causes gallstones, in addition to a myriad of other health problems from general malnutrition. Gallstones may also develop from rapid weight loss. Extreme weight loss usually results from the toxicity of pharmaceutical drugs, or a serious underlying health condition. Exercise reduces the likelihood of gallstones, although the mechanism through which this happens is not understood. Therefore, the story of obtaining a healthy gallbladder is a familiar one, for the rules are: get rest, get exercise, and eat your vegetables.
For the sake of long-term health, gallbladder surgery should be avoided, if at all possible. Therefore, it is actually unwise to go to a hospital for gallbladder issues, unless the problem becomes truly unbearable. We offer a pain relief solution that usually helps substantially. However, we do realize that there are occasional cases which require emergency intervention. In the worst cases, a person could use the remedy cited below before leaving for the hospital, or consume it during transit; and hopefully the problem will be resolved by the time that he arrives.
Fast Pain Relief from a Gallbladder Attack
Drink 1/4 a cup of apple cider vinegar (preferably stored in glass). If possible, also chase it with 8 ounces of apple juice (preferably organic), or mix both together. Most of the pain should disappear within 15 minutes.
Prevention and Treatment of 'Gallstones'
The following natural protocol helps to correct liver dysfunction, in addition to helping combat gallstones (liver stones). It will holistically improve a person's overall health too. Several of the recommendations target cholesterol, because stones are often made of cholesterol.
- Reduce fat intake overall, especially unnatural and toxic fats like hydrogenated oils, soy, and canola. Natural fats (like butter) are better, but they should be used in moderation nonetheless.
Ox bile can greatly ease the burden of the gallbladder, thereby giving it an opportunity to heal. It may be purchased in supplemental form, and it should be taken with fatty meals (e.g. meals which contain meat or lots of cheese). Ox bile also provides relief to individuals who have had their gallbladder removed, and who subsequently have difficulty in digesting food. Do not take ox bile on an empty stomach, because it can cause stomach disturbances.
- Omega-3 supplementation is recommended by way of flax seed oil capsules.
- Niacin (vitamin B-3) is helpful for people with cholesterol or skin problems.
- Red yeast rice reduces cholesterol, and its active compound is used to make pharmaceutical drugs for cholesterol. This has the benefits of the drugs, without the dangers, addictions, or expense. For years, the F.D.A. tried to block sales of unprocessed red yeast rice and supplemental extracts, because they compete with the patented drugs that are based on the same rice; so the all-natural rice was conveniently reclassified as a "drug". This has become a common trick ever since the U.S. Congress forbade the F.D.A. from regulating nutritional supplements, in lieu of its similar abusive behaviors.
- Sunlight exposure converts the excess cholesterol reserves stored inside skin into vitamin D-2, which is later used by the liver to make vitamin D-3. Therefore, sunlight helps in multiple ways. It dramatically boosts the immune system.
- Exercise. No explanation should be required.
- Milk thistle (available as a supplement) is a liver tonic.
- Dandelion root (available as a supplement) is another liver tonic.
- Avoid soy lecithin and all soy products. Soy products can have disastrous effects upon hormone balance, and this is especially true for women. The phytoestrogens inside soy products attack the thyroid. The presence of gallstones has been shown to have a relationship with hormone imbalances. Also, be advised that all soy is now genetically engineered.
- Vitamin C makes cholesterol more water soluble, allowing a body to better eliminate excesses.
- Turmeric increases the solubility of bile.
- Consume apple cider vinegar, lemonade, or apple juice regularly. Supplementing with several tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day is best.
- Castor oil transdermal packs neutralize inflammation. A rag must be soaked in pure, cold pressed castor oil that is obtained from a health food store beforehand. The excess should be squeezed-out just prior to use. Next the rag should be placed on bare skin over the organ. Put a piece of plastic on top of the rag. Then place a hot water bottle on top of that. The hot water bottle should be made as hot as possible, so long as the patient can tolerate it. If the person is numbed by drugs or otherwise, then use some common sense in helping the person to get an appropriate level of heat. This transdermal system should remain in place for a minimum of 30 minutes, and doing this daily will benefit most patients. It is also recommended that the immediate area underneath the patient be covered in plastic too, because some of the castor oil will run down onto furniture or floors.
- Licorice is another liver tonic.
The 2-Day Gallbladder Cleanse Procedure
There are other, more thorough cleanses available, but these take a minimum of a week to implement. Anyone who is trying to rid himself of gallstones wants fast relief.
- 1/2 cup of cold-pressed, extra virgin olive oil
- 3 cups of fresh grapefruit juice or fresh apple juice
- Chamomile supplements
- 1 large grapefruit (or 2 small)
- 3 lemons (optional)
- 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt
- Test to see if you have a bad reaction to Epsom salt by holding about a 1/4 tsp. of it in your mouth for about half a minute, and then swallow it. If there are any problems, then this entire procedure should be aborted. The test is essential for safety, because an allergic reaction to the massive amounts used later could be fatal.
- This is a 2-day procedure, so ensure that you have two days that are completely free of obligations before beginning. Most people should begin on a Saturday.
- Try chamomile tea to test for a ragweed allergy.
- Discontinue all medicines, vitamins, pills, and herbs if possible.
- Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch, such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves, bread with honey, baked potato, or vegetables that are salted only. Consume no butter, milk, or cheese. These fat-free meals allow bile to build up and develop increased pressure within the liver.
- 2:00 P.M. -- Discontinue all food. No cheating! Breaking this rule can later cause illness and a failure of the flush. Prepare the Epsom salt solution by mixing 4 tablespoons with 3 cups (24 fluid ounces) of grapefruit juice or apple juice inside a large jar. This makes four servings of 3/4 a cup. Place the jar inside a refrigerator to get it cold (this is for convenience and improved taste). Both grapefruit and apple have properties that aid the cleanse, in addition to making the procedure more bearable.
- 6:00 P.M. -- Drink one serving (3/4 of a cup) of the Epsom salt solution. You may add 1/8 tsp. of Vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterward, or rinse your mouth. Place the cold-pressed olive oil and grapefruit on the kitchen counter to warm up.
- 8:00 P.M. -- Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salt solution. Ready yourself for resting, because timing is important for success.
- At 9:45 P.M. -- Pour 1/2 a cup of olive oil into the pint jar. Then squeeze out the grapefruit juice into the measuring cup. Remove the excessive pulp. You may add lemon juice to improve the flavor. Add the juice(s) to the olive oil. Seal the jar tightly and shake it vigorously. This should make at least 1/2 a cup (3/4 a cup is better) of this mixture, but do not drink it yet. Visit the bathroom, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Do not be more than 15 minutes late, or you will expel fewer stones.
- 10:00 P.M. -- Drink the olive oil solution. Take four 300 mg. chamomile capsules with the first sips to help you sleep through the night. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a tablespoon on the kitchen counter. Make certain you drink it standing up. Get it swallowed within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately afterward on your right side. The sooner that you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Be prepared for bed ahead of time. Do not bother with clean up, because timing is very important. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes after laying. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There should be no pain because the bile ducts are dilated to full size, due to the Epsom salt solution. Go to sleep.
- Next Morning -- Upon awakening, take your third dose of the Epsom salt solution. If you have indigestion or nausea at any point, treat it with ginger supplements, and wait until it has passed before drinking the Epsom salt solution. If you absolutely can not hold the ginger in the stomach, then hold the ginger powder in the mouth for direct blood absorption through your cheek tissues. You should return to bed after you have finally consumed the Epsom salt solution. Do not begin this step before 6:00 A.M.
- Two hours later -- Take your final dose of the Epsom salt solution and return to bed again.
- Two more hours -- You may finally eat again. Begin with only fruit juices. Half an hour later, eat fruit. After another thirty minutes, you may eat regular foods, but keep the meal light. By evening, you should feel recovered.
Conclusionary Remarks
Expect diarrhea during this procedure. It is normal, so do not be alarmed. This regimen does not brutalize an already weakened body, and leaves the person stronger in the long term. It is cheap, fast, effective, all natural, and generally very safe. Unlike modern medical treatments, these methods will usually cure the problem, instead of merely suppressing the symptoms until the problem becomes much worse.
Disregard our entire cleansing procedure if you have allergies or other negative reactions to any of the ingredients used for it. If you are experiencing serious health issues unrelated to the gallbladder, then we recommend delaying this cleanse until the other issues have been resolved. Readers must use their own common sense to determine if they are having a health emergency, and to take appropriate action if so.
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