Video: Democrat's #MeToo Hypocrisy and China Virus Authoritarianism

Discussing how Democrats respond when one of their own is accused of sexual misconduct, along with instances of authoritarianism that are being justified under the guise of fighting the Chinese coronavirus.

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Video: #ReopenNC Protest of April 21st, 2020 in Raleigh

The Reopen North Carolina (#ReopenNC) rally on April 21st was actively sabotaged by law enforcement. Protesters were forced to march briskly, instead of assembling; while extra measures were taken to protect the governor from being made to feel uncomfortable. It was made clear that Raleigh is a police state and who the police work for.

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Video: Big Tech Knows What's Good For You, So Obey!

The elitists of Big Tech know what's best for you, so steer clear of this video unless you're a thought criminal.

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Video: Cincinnati Makes Its Own Law

In Cincinnati, Ohio, a man hosted an outdoor party. For that, he faces a ridiculous felony charge, an extreme bail amount, and a lack of due process. People's rights matter. What we surrender now, we may never get back.

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Video: Christian Worship Is Now Criminal

Greenville, Mississippi is one of several areas that are using the Chinese coronavirus as an excuse to discriminate against Christian churches and their congregants. In Greenville, church members were fined by police despite staying in their cars to worship.

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Video: Fascist Police Silence #ReopenNC

Tyrants are coming out of the woodwork in America. Whether they be police officers, mayors, or governors; extreme power grabs are being made nationwide throughout the United States. While some of the tyrants have been bold enough to mention suspending the economy, none of them have been willing to admit their active campaign to eliminate the Bill of Rights. This story should wake anyone up who thought it couldn't happen in America.

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Video: Why the Wuhan Flu Statistics Are Being Falsified

The Chinese coronavirus death rates (and cases) are being inflated, and some are wondering why. Hospitals are being bribed, and world figures have big plans for a New World Order.

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Video: The Dark Times Have Arrived

Discussing the authoritarian methods used around the world to enforce quarantines and "stay-at-home orders", the misleading numbers that are being used to fuel the panic, and media lies.

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Video: What Have We Done To Ourselves?

The wisdom that was desperately needed to guide us through the Wuhan Corona viral epidemic was sorely absent, even in the United States, a country that has historically been guided by Christian and libertarian ideals. The aftermath of the foolishness is a century of real progress that has been lost and the collective inheritance of generations.

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Video: Governor Andrew Cuomo's Endgame

Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York state, is using military soldiers to remove potentially critical ventilators from private hospitals. He is another leftist politician who believes that our civil rights and property rights can be abolished at his decree; even if it means killing his own people to achieve political ends. Fidel Castro would be watching this state-sponsored crisis ecstatically.

You may watch this on YouTube or Bitchute if there are any problems watching the video at this site.

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