The Supplementation Problem and Our Supplement Recommendations
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: July 11, 2009 July 11, 2009

We are constantly asked by readers which vitamins they should use. For years, we have recommended that people choose food-based vitamins, because they have the potential to be much safer, and much more readily absorbed in the organic form. However, we recently re-evaluated the multi-vitamins that are available, and came to the depressing realization that things have drastically changed since our original research. The changes in the supplement industry happened at a very fast pace.
The food-based vitamins that are currently available are actually worse than their synthetic counterparts. Almost all of the food-based vitamins that we recently evaluated were fermented in yeasts and bacteria. Usually these were genetically engineered yeasts and bacteria to make them toxic enough to accelerate their pathogenic life processes. This manufacturing is a way to cheat using bacteria and yeasts to break the foods down instead of using chemicals. In actuality, neither the process nor the end product is natural or food-like. The biotechnology industry found a way to trick us all into making genetic engineering a part of our "natural" supplementation. We wrote this report because we have had repeated calls from people who were having allergy problems or sicknesses that increased with increased multi-vitamin usage. In every case, it was caused by one of the multi-vitamin products that was allegedly food-based, but which was not actually made from foods. A diet of yeast will, in fact, attack the immune system to make both allergies and illnesses worse. These so-called "multi-vitamins" are worse than no vitamins at all.
Curing Endometriosis Through Natural Methods
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 25, 2013 April 25, 2013
Endometriosis is a condition that effects 10 percent of women who are of child-bearing age. It occurs when the tissues that normally grow inside the uterus grow in other locations. It is a notoriously painful condition, which many women have described as being more intense than child birth. Internal scar tissue may eventually develop, which is a known cause of infertility. Medical books provide differing explanations as to why this condition is so incredibly painful, but there are only guesses, and endometriosis is not well understood by the orthodox medical establishment.
Most doctors treat this condition by suppressing its symptoms with painkillers, or by placing women on birth control drugs that cause them to skip their monthly cycle. As a result of such neglect, endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility in the civilized world. The mainstream methods of suppressing endometriosis are usually futile. The only drugs that provide effective relief are extremely addictive, and all surgical attempts are largely failures. The most common long-term treatment is laparoscopic surgery to remove the excess tissues, but the condition has an extremely high recurrence rate despite surgical interventions. Some women get hysterectomies to eliminate endometriosis, but even in these cases, it sometimes returns in different places. Pregnancy is the only thing that reliably cures the condition, and it provides relief even in those rare cases when endometriosis is not completely cured. The condition always stops when menopause begins.
Naturally Treating and Curing Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 12, 2013 January 12, 2013
Teeth grinding (bruxism) usually occurs at night while the sufferer sleeps, and normally it is first noticed by the person's spouse. In children, teeth grinding is likely to go unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. Bruxism should be considered a serious health condition, because a sufferer's tooth enamel may be eventually destroyed, leaving effected teeth extremely vulnerable to decay. The cosmetic consequences can be terrible too. In the worst cases, the aftermath of bruxism requires the complete removal of teeth.
The dental and medical establishments usually recommend that sufferers wear mouth retainers (night guards) during sleep periods, to protect against further damage. While this is a wise option for some sufferers of bruxism, it is nonetheless important to note that this reflects an institutional policy of categorically ignoring all causes of this condition. The standard approach is, at best, a temporary suppression of a single symptom of some potentially serious underlying issues. It is like removing the batteries from a smoke detector, instead of fighting the fire that is causing the alarm. Teeth grinding is always a symptom of another health issue, so masking the symptom with a retainer should only be a short-term solution.
The Most Popular 'Medical Ethic' is Greed
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- Written by William Kay, M.D. William Kay, M.D.
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012
The phrase "medical ethics" sounds great in principle, but some important questions remain unanswered. Who is deciding what is ethical in medicine? How are those decisions being used? In this article we will explore some of the very ugly uses of modern "medical ethics", namely the protection of hospital assets, limiting patient choices, obliterating the physician-patient relationship, and allowing hospital administrators to bully medical staff.
Medical ethics committees were originally created in the 1970's and promoted as a means to protect patients from being abused by an evolving medical system that was becoming increasingly driven by greed. Today's hospital-based ethics committees are almost universally comprised of members who have been personally chosen by the C.E.O. of the hospital, who are themselves businessmen with no medical education. The C.E.O.'s primary job at a hospital is to increase profits. It is starting to look like the fox has been placed in charge of protecting the hen house, isn't it?
F.D.A. Blocked Suicide Warning for Anti-Depressants
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- Written by Kurt Danysh Kurt Danysh
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 12, 2012 January 12, 2012
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor anti-depressants (S.S.R.I.'s) hit the market in 1988. Immediately, reports of intense suicidal thoughts and actions while taking these drugs began to flood into the F.D.A.. Despite the reports, and data indicating a higher rate of suicides from those using the drugs than from those using placebos, it took about twenty years for the F.D.A. to issue a warning about the risk.
The warning was considered a victory to many who had lost loved ones to S.S.R.I. drugs. Public perception was that the F.D.A. had stood up to Big Pharma and forced reluctant S.S.R.I. manufacturers to issue an appropriate warning. Thereby, solidifying the perception of the F.D.A.'s role as advocate for the public.
However, this perception has been shattered by a recent federal court ruling that exposed a dirty little secret that the F.D.A. likely hoped would never come to light. In Dobbs v. Wyeth Pharms., the court determined that the F.D.A. repeatedly prevented at least one S.S.R.I. manufacturer from issuing a suicide-related warning for fear that it might "reduce the use of anti-depressants and thereby undermine the benefit of their use in treating depression."
Shane Geiger: Death By Sprained Ankle and Modern Medicine's Miracles
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 07, 2011 August 07, 2011
Spraining an ankle should never be a death sentence, and historically it was not cause for funeral arrangements. It now sometimes is, alongside heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, and the long montage of other medically-aggravated conditions. Spraining his ankle was a death sentence for Shane Geiger. We were not given much opportunity to get close to him before his life was lost. Shane was an up-and-coming member of our Sarah's elite Web Team (network engineering) for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth during the period that she worked for them. It appears that he was previously an honorary staff member of Prison Planet, and his pointed questions at an official governmental press conference about the Trade Center attacks left one cronie almost running to escape. We watched the video wherein Shane left a N.I.S.T. representative stuttering and making a rapid departure. In this information war, we were proud to call him an ally. He was known for being a little bit paranoid, but in light of his bizarre death, his paranoia may have been justified.
A Letter from the Editor: The Alternative Media Is Even Less Trustworthy Than Big Media
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 26, 2009 April 26, 2009
I write this with a heavy heart, concerning the state of things, but write this I must. Some years ago, I started on this journalism thing with the close help of Sarah C. Corriher. We did it, not because we really wanted to, but because we had to. Old fashioned, investigative journalism is all-but-dead, and quite a few people are living and dying horribly as a result. You need not look further than the diseased and chemically laden walking dead surrounding you, every time that you leave your home. Things should not be as they are, and we decided to do something about it; at least for anyone who could put faith into our mission. It is not one that we take lightly, for we have invested our savings, our personal honor, and the very safety of our family for it. Being an honest investigative reporter nowadays requires that one become a soldier in an information war, and this is largely why so few modern people do it. It is far from the easy path. Sarah can likewise attest to the sacrifices that we have made. We parcipitate in an old dance that is rarely observed in the largest news networks of this twisted age. Along the way, we have made plenty of people angry. We consider angering people to be a job requirement. Being a good journalist, as it was once defined, absolutely means being a trouble-maker. We are not team-players for any corporation, and we do not prostitute ourselves for either popularity or product endorsements. Good luck in finding these principles elsewhere.
Quick Tip: Answering Questions about Radiation from Japan and Potassium Iodide
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: March 21, 2010 March 21, 2010
Potassium iodide is the only remedy that is mentioned by other sources for protection against radiation, but it will only partially protect the thyroid and the female reproductive organs. While its usage may be a good idea for especially vulnerable people, it is important to remember that the rest of the body will still be completely unprotected.
If potassium iodide is unavailable, applying a patch of regular iodine (not the povidone type) to the skin, and allowing it to absorb transdermally is a good option. You can also purchase potassium in grocery stores as a salt substitute. Only a small amount of potassium is needed.
Quackery: Foot Cleanses, Detox Foot Pads, and Ionic Foot Baths
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: March 06, 2010 March 06, 2010

There are purportedly two types of foot cleanses: ionic foot baths and detox foot pads. Both are frauds. Detoxification foot pads were initially sold through infomercials and the Internet. They are now being sold inside major retail chains, including Walmart and Walgreens, with retailers smelling untapped cash flows. We have been researching long enough to know that their presence inside major retailers is allowed solely because they do not perform as claimed. Legitimate and effective alternative therapies have been categorically banned from retailers, without exception. Fraud products are allowed because they effectively satisfy the pharmaceutical agenda of destroying the reputation of alternative medicine.
Getting Pregnant, Curing Infertility, and Balancing Hormones
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: February 27, 2009 February 27, 2009
We have been overwhelmed by requests for help concerning hormonal, fertility, and pregnancy issues. Some of the women have had these sort of problems, despite eating a commendable diet. In this era, chemicals that imbalance the hormones are plentiful, and there is little wonder that both men and women are becoming infertile at higher rates than ever before in history.
The first thing to examine is the water supply. Tap water contains dozens of pharmaceuticals, in addition to the chlorine and fluoride that are ironically added in the name of health. All of these things can imbalance hormones; and fluoride specifically attacks the thyroid, an organ that is responsible for the creation of hormones. Fluoride is likely the biggest reason for the high rates of hypothyroidism throughout America today. Purchasing spring water, or getting a high-quality water filter is essential for avoiding serious disease.