Most people experience periodic eye problems, including infections, dryness and injuries. Eye drops are usually the first response to these situations, but the eye drops that are sold in pharmacies normally contain thimerosal (thiomersal). It is an allergy-inflicting, mercury-containing preservative that has rightly sparked outrage for its use in vaccines. Standard eye drops contain a plethora of other toxic ingredients that were designed to ensure that they never have bacterial growth. The chemicals were chosen specifically because they are poisonous.

After becoming aware of these problems, we decided to formulate our own eye drops; with safety, simplicity, and effectiveness as our guiding principles. Our simple formulation is more effective at relieving conditions such as conjunctivitis (pink eye) than over-the-counter medications. The base for the eye drops is colloidal silver, which is a safe, natural antibiotic, and anti-microbial.

A small amount of sea salt is then added to the colloidal silver solution to resupply the saline that the solution washes away. The resultant solution is typically painless. Sea salt should aways be used instead of table salt. Sea salt specifically results in less burn, and it further helps to kill infections with both its sodium and its trace minerals. Normal saline (made with table salt) will usually cause some discomfort in the eyes, regardless of how well the solution is made. Table salt is slightly toxic because of the way that minerals are stripped from it during processing, and ironically, these same minerals are often later resold to vitamin companies. Despite the visible mineral particles that are found in some sea salts, which can seem initially frightening, a person is very unlikely to experience any irritation.

The Recipe

  • 3 fluid ounces of colloidal silver (6 U.S. tablespoons)
  • A pinch of sea salt (about 1/8 of a teaspoon)

We recommend that the solution be discarded after 3 weeks, because the silver particles are eventually destroyed by the salt. It is a good idea to write the date on the bottle, or the future disposal date. Almost everyone knows that silver is extremely resistant to corrosion, but this solution contains almost atomic-sized silver particles that are kept in salt water for an extended period. Salt will destroy all colloidal-sized metal particles in time. In the meantime, the solution will begin slowly transforming into silver chloride. Silver chloride is not usually recommended for medicine, but it is actually better for outer tissue absorption (like the eyes) than standard colloidal silver is.

Those who must use eye drops routinely, due to contact lenses, should know that it is possible to improve, and in some cases, actually correct poor vision with improved nutrition. Sprouts (as in baby plants, not brussel sprouts) seem to be particularly helpful for the eyes. In addition, retinol, the most absorbable form of vitamin A, is found in animal sources including eggs, fish, and especially beef.


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The Claimer: The information provided herein is intended to be a truthful and corrective alternative to the advice that is provided by physicians and other medical professionals. It is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent disease.