Video: Re-Education for Capitol Protesters
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Videos Political Videos
- Published: June 26, 2021 June 26, 2021
It's been clear from the first arrests of the Capitol protesters that their prosecutions were highly political, but it is only worsening. Court records from the first conviction show that Anna Morgan-Lloyd was given materials meant to re-educate her Soviet-style with anti-American-themed literature, then she was required to write demeaning book reports (like a child), which were submitted to the court as evidence of corrected wrongthink as her defense. The fact that she walked through an open door at the Capitol was never her real offense, but it was rather that she held the wrong political opinions, which the system is seeking to 'fix'. Others are getting the same gulag type of treatment, and they face lengthy prison sentences if they express disagreement with hating America. They are essentially having judicial Critical Race Theory forced upon them, and they are required to agree with it. Never again say that it couldn't happen in America.
You may watch this on Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, or GabTV if there are any problems watching the video at this site.
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Naturally Treating the Wuhan Corona Virus (COVID-19)
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: March 18, 2020 March 18, 2020
The Wuhan Corona Virus (a.k.a. COVID-19, Chinese Coronavirus) blindsided us, and information about the pathogen is still sketchy at the time of our writing this. It is nevertheless a prudent and moral requirement that we immediately publish our current observations and recommendations.
The disease appears to be a bio-weapon, as was the case with Lyme disease's leak from the Plum Island facility (near Lyme, Connecticut). The biggest two differences between the infections are COVID's lack of syphilitic-like spirochetes and COVID does not need the assistance of an insect vector (such as ticks) to infect. Otherwise, the similarities are unmistakable, like how an otherwise safe animal 'germ' that safely propagated for eons was altered with modern genetic engineering to infect humans. This is the favorite design strategy amongst the bio-warfare programs for two distinct reasons: 1. Humans have no in-built defenses against what were normally genetically-incompatible animal diseases and 2. The animal kingdom is an endless source of novel diseases that have never been seen in humans.
FDA Lies About Kratom Again to Foster Opioid Epidemic
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- Written by The Angry White Man The Angry White Man
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 21, 2017 November 21, 2017
It is no secret that Americans are losing trust in large institutions that were once believed to be beyond reproach. The media, once considered a paragon of integrity, is viewed with cynicism and suspicion. Our former faith in governmental programs and the 'best and brightest' has plummeted steadily from doubt into resentment. So it seems politically foolish for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in the midst of its own opioid crisis, which has wrought hundreds of thousands of deaths, laid waste to the life prospects of millions, and lined the pockets of its unscrupulous partner corporations, to issue a warning against the use of a natural herb that combats opioid dependence, eliminates drug withdrawal, and kills pain. Of course, being a naturally-growing plant does not automatically qualify something as safe. There are, after all, varieties of poisonous mushrooms and berries, but people intuitively know to place a greater trust into organic substances.
Imagine If U.S. Healthcare Had a Truly Free Market
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: October 21, 2017 October 21, 2017
There is no American who is ignorant of the fact that healthcare costs are currently exorbitant and prohibitive. We are collectively faced with the false narrative that healthcare is an inherently expensive endeavor, and thus people are either doomed to face bankruptcy in any free market, or the government must save us all with a single-payer model. Leftists posit that prior to the presidency of Obama, America suffered under a free market failure, and that people were too often bankrupted by unforeseen accidents and diseases. They insist that the problem with Obamacare is that it did not do enough, and that affordable care remains impossible because the government did not remove the profit motive from medicine altogether. They say that we can only solve the affordability problem by demanding that our government save us from the real problem, which we are assured is greed.
How to Naturally Cure Burning Mouth Syndrome
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 04, 2017 May 04, 2017
Burning mouth syndrome (glossodynia) is diagnosed whenever a patient experiences the symptoms of a severely burnt tongue without any obvious cause. The symptoms include redness, soreness, and a sensation of being burnt that covers the entire surface of the tongue. The soreness continues for years in the worst cases. Throughout the manifestation of this disorder, a victim's ability to taste is reduced, as if a real burn had occurred. Over time, the condition can seem unbearable, as the soreness eventually morphs into outright pain. It is remarkably common for those who are afflicted to experience depression. These depressions may be caused by the overall suffering in some of the cases, for a person's pain-free enjoyment of food is a foundation of a satiated life, but there also exists the possibility that some of the depressions are associated with the same nutritional problem that commonly causes burning mouth syndrome.
It is generally accepted that burning mouth syndrome is a symptom of nerve damage, which is more formally known as neuropathy. The initial cause of the nerve damage varies, but it is due to diabetes in most cases. In the remaining instances, it is usually caused by pharmaceutical drugs, radiation exposure, vitamin B deficiencies, or exposure to toxic mold.
The Chickenpox Vaccine and Vaccine Mythology
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 23, 2017 April 23, 2017
The mythology of vaccines greatly differs by location, depending upon one's native country, and the availability of a given vaccine. This is plainly demonstrated in the contradictory documents about chickenpox, from both the English and American governments. Within Britain, the chickenpox vaccine has only been offered when there were special circumstances, but the immunization has never been available to the majority of the British population. In contrast, the chickenpox vaccine is mandatorily demanded as part of the official vaccine schedule throughout the United States of America.
Throughout Britain's literature regarding chickenpox, the infection is described as being mild, common, and as relatively benign; whereas the American writings depict it as a deadly contagion that merits mandatory vaccinations, as an absolutely critical measure for obtaining public safety. Chickenpox is the same condition regardless of where one dwells, so if vaccinations were as scientific as is generally alleged, then the rationales for them would be nearly identical. However, the descriptions of the infection are essentially the opposite, which could lead a thoughtful reader into pondering which establishment is telling the truth about chickenpox, or if neither establishment is. The only certainty is that at least one of the two establishments has an agenda that is not based in science.
Interviews from the Kratom Protest at the White House on September 13th, 2016
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 15, 2016 September 15, 2016
Sarah Corriher from Health Wyze Media interviews protesters in the park area across the street from The White House. Protesters explain why the D.E.A. should not be allowed to create new laws to block access to medicinal herbs of extreme benefit, such as kratom. The interviewed protesters detail their heart-wrenching stories. Surprising new benefits of kratom for the treatment of illnesses are revealed by users, which merit further investigations.

Additional Anti-Cancer Therapies That are Natural
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: March 01, 2016 March 01, 2016
The Budwig Protocol is our most recommended anti-cancer therapy; although other effective alternatives exist. We covered the best of them in detail within our documentary, The Cancer Report. What follows is a brief listing of the natural anti-cancer therapies which we consider to be the safest and most effective.
- Essiac tea
- Vitamin B-17 (laetrile)
- Oxygen/ozone therapy possibly including intravenous hydrogen peroxide
- High-dose vitamin C therapy
- The Hoxsey Regimen
- Gerson Protocol
Radioactive Smoke Detectors
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: February 20, 2016 February 20, 2016

There are two main types of smoke detectors that are sold to the public: ionizing and photoelectric. They detect fires in differing ways. Both technologies are widely misunderstood, to the degree of there being rampant, ludicrous explanations that abound on the Internet from people who are simply ignorant of electronics. The ionizing smoke alarms utilize a radioactive material, americium-241, which is placed inside of what is referred to as an ionization chamber. This metallic chamber features a slight gap between its energized plates and the radioactive americium. This design produces what is essentially an internal radiation detector. Whenever the americium's radioactive emissions are warped (frequency changed) by smoke, the alarm sounds. Alternatively, the much safer photoelectric-based alarms utilize light instead of gamma radiation, wherein a beam of light is aimed to miss the sensor during normal operation. Whenever smoke is presented, the light is dispersed by it. This causes some of the scattered light to reliably strike the sensor, sounding the alarm.
A variety of watchdog groups have warned about the danger of having radioactive americium-241 inside homes, but they strangely retracted their warnings without explanations. Ralph Nader is one such example. He issued a warning in 1976, wherein he stated that the ionizing smoke detectors "unnecessarily subject Americans to the risks involved in radiation exposure".
Neutralize Chlorine with Vitamin C
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 24, 2016 January 24, 2016
The consumption of chlorine changes HDL ("good") cholesterol into LDL cholesterol, creates oxidative damage throughout a body, acts as an immunosuppressant, causes severe arterial damage, and it destroys the fatty acids that are needed for heart health. Chlorine exposure is even one of the main causes of respiratory illnesses in wintertime, for people use humidifiers, which release chlorine gas whenever they are filled with chlorinated water. Showering in chlorinated water similarly releases the gas, and this is strongly tied to asthma.
Nevertheless, chlorine remains the standard chemical that is used to sterilize water supplies throughout the world. It is toxic to every living thing. It truly is effective at killing the bacteria and microscopic parasites that live inside water, but it is likewise destructive to human health. Societies throughout the world have paid an incredible price in carnage for having chlorine-sterilized water. While the 'purification' of water by chlorine has prevented large-scale outbreaks of diseases such as cholera, it has also largely caused our current epidemics of heart disease and cancer, to name a couple.