There are 30,000,000 men who experience erectile dysfunction (impotence) in the United States alone. Most are over the age of forty. This is not being mirrored to the same degree in other countries, which affirms that E.D. is not simply a product of aging, or even a particular disease state. It is a product of the unhealthy American lifestyle. Sexual stamina is usually the first thing to go whenever serious health problems begin to develop. This means that sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction, are usually the first symptoms of other more serious health issues. Conversely, great drive and performance are among the best indicators of excellent health.
The Causes of Erectile Dysfunction and Loss of Libido
The American lifestyle is significantly unhealthier than that of any other industrialized country in the world. Even the water in the U.S.A. is laced with fluoride, chlorine, and various other toxic compounds, including pharmaceuticals, such as detectable levels of S.S.R.I. anti-depressants. All of these play a leading role in causing sexual difficulties.
Outside of the U.S.A., most processed American foods are considered unfit for human consumption, and banned from store shelves. Some food producers actually have two recipes for the same product: one for the U.S.A. and another formulation for all the other countries not tolerating the mass-poisoning of their populations. One example was the case of Coca Cola removing sodium benzoate from its Diet Coke throughout the United Kingdom, which was done to prevent a complete ban of the product. The ban was almost initiated because sodium benzoate causes cancers and destroys people's immune systems. In contrast, the regulators in the U.S. work with the companies to hide health effects from the public. It is sometimes shocking for Americans, who travel internationally for the first time, to notice the completely different recipes for exactly the same food items. Although, the two versions frequently come from the same food processing plant. In the long term, it actually costs these companies more money to maintain the dual production systems, so the mass poisoning of Americans is not done for financial reasons and it is not accidental.
Other nations do not tolerate fluoride either, and we strongly encourage the use of non-fluoride toothpastes, due to fluoride's neutralization of iodine that is needed by the thyroid, and fluoride's overall destructive effects, including causing cavities. The astounding litany of poisonous effects are chronicled in the article about water. As one of the most toxic substances known to man, fluorine gas from a major volcanic eruption is believed to be what eradicated almost all life on Earth in the age of the dinosaurs.
The worst chemicals seen in American-prepared foods were banned long ago in the U.K., and throughout most of Europe. There is no Food and Drug Administration elsewhere to categorically bless chemical contaminators by relabeling dangerous chemicals as "generally recognized as safe". This is done solely to prevent legal recourse against the companies.
The bodies of average Americans are so incredibly toxic that a dead American's body will take 7 years longer to fully decompose than the dead of any other nationality, and this is not due to differences in embalming techniques. American bodies are actually embalmed by chemical preservatives that are present in foods long before they die.
It is not just the toxic chemical preservatives ruining our sex lives. Also contributing are petroleum derivatives, coal tar colorings, steroids, growth hormones, artificial fats, rancid omega oils, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, artificial sweeteners, radiation, and now genetic engineering -- all of which are in American foods. Aggravating this is the fact that American foods are becoming devoid of all nutrition; for the vegetation that is used to feed American animals is as nutrient depleted from over-farming with chemically engineered fertilizers as our produce is.
These things have helped the F.D.A. to make symptom management (standard medicine) the top money making industry in the U.S.A., and the leading cause of bankruptcies. Practically every adult American is taking a doctor-prescribed chemical to offset the damage that is being done by the other chemicals and the malnutrition. Americans have miniature pharmacies in their bathrooms and kitchens. Most international visitors to the U.S. are stunned when observing the chemicals in a typical American medicine cabinet.
If the previously mentioned factors were not enough, Americans have crippling degrees of stress that are unseen in other industrialized nations. Most Americans get about one quarter of the vacation (holiday) time that the rest of the industrialized world gets, and then there is the bankrupting medical system, which hardly needs further explanation. Americans are drowning in a perpetual enslaving sea of debt, even with both husbands and wives feverishly working in vain to escape their debt, and whilst getting very little rest. As long as this lifestyle is normal, new epidemics and diseases will manifest within our broken bodies and spirits.
The Mental, Emotional, and Cultural Aspects of a Healthy Sex Life

Many Americans have forgotten that they are the descendants of Puritans, and even those who are not directly related to the Puritans of yesteryear would still be the descendants of people who would be considered puritanistic by today's standards. This history still resonates throughout the American culture and within its churches.
Sex to the early Americans was in the domain of the Devil. Desire was considered impure and corrupting. Sex was only acceptable for the inducement of pregnancies amongst married couples. God had, after all, blessed both marriage and procreation. Sex was otherwise shunned by the Christian cultures of the past. It was demonized for hundreds of years by Christian peoples, and some groups still rebuke it. Indeed, sex can be sinful by Christian doctrine, whenever it is experienced at the wrong place, wrong time, or with the wrong person. The Puritans of the past took God's rules about sex to an extreme; including forbidding most sexual activities between husbands and wives. It was actually forbidden for sex to be enjoyable. They considered the enjoyment of sex to be a sinful expression of lust, even amongst married couples.
In the present, we are still suffering under the yoke of Puritan dogma. Our culture and churches sometimes still imply that sexual activities are "dirty" and ungodly, even if only indirectly. Despite our tendency to deny it, we are still so hysterical about sex that people have had their lives destroyed because someone found a picture of a naked child on a computer; and in most cases, these mentally ill individuals were given more prison time than real rapists were -- for thought crimes. So yes, Christian guilt is quite pervasive in American society, and it has impaired many married couples from experiencing one of God's greatest gifts. Sex is unquestionably one of God's greatest gifts, so he wants us to enjoy it; provided it occurs at the right time, place, and with the right person (e.g. your spouse).
Billions of dollars have been spent to foster the pop-a-pill mentality pervading American society. This ongoing campaign by the pharmaceutical industry has caused Americans to forget how influential their mental attitudes are to their health and sex lives. Ask a typical American how E.D. is treated, and immediately a whole slew of pharmaceuticals will be mentioned by conditioned reflex. Pharmaceuticals are never the long-term answer to any of our problems. They only hide the symptoms, while actually aggravating the underlying conditions. Using drugs is making a deal with the Devil; for there is ultimately the gotcha at the end, which almost always entails slavishly needing even more pharmaceuticals. Please reference our side effects listing at the end of this section, before giving in to the temptation to take the easy path.
Intimacy is a big part of sexual fulfillment, and there are always sexual problems whenever it is missing. Intimacy has become so rare for men that they rarely recognize it anymore, or notice its loss. The most romantic men (and practically all women) tell us that intimacy is sorely missing from our modern society. A little romance goes a long way toward making things work. Romance is like the foreplay of the foreplay. Skipping steps only leads to a frustrating journey. We know it is difficult to find the time, or the right state of mind in this era to be romantic, but it is so worth some extra effort. Many men assume that this does not apply to their E.D. issues, because it seems to them that only women feel a great need for romance, but this forgets a critical sexual aspect. It forgets that men are only half of the sexual equation at play, and if the woman involved seems less satisfied, then everything for the male is much more difficult. In other words, if a woman is completely aroused, then her partner becomes more capable, and he will get a tremendous psychological boost from her improved reactions.
To be romantically successful, find a time and place where you and your spouse can forget about everything else in the world. Spend that time together as if nothing else in the world matters. Both your relationship, and your sex lives are worth every minute of that invested time. Remember how you worked to impress and please one another whilst you dated? Surely that can be repeated for at least a couple of hours each week. Such time is an investment that always pays out more.
What the Allopathic Medical Establishment Considers the Causes of E.D.
- Diabetes or pre-diabetes
- Poor circulation
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Lack of exercise
- Drugs
You may notice from the list above that every one of these (except exercise) is caused by a combination of poor diet and pharmaceuticals.
Recommended Lifestyle Changes
The issues of diabetes really deserve an article of their own, so they are covered elsewhere. In the meantime, diabetics should know that they can reverse their condition through drastic changes in diet and lifestyle. Many pharmaceutical treatments, especially steroids and synthetic insulins are known to cause full-blown diabetes.
Poor circulation will be encountered by anyone who has a poor diet, and it is therefore especially common in those who suffer with obesity. Remove artificial additives from the diet, along with processed sugar (use evaporated cane juice) and discontinue consuming bleached foods (e.g. white rice, white bread, white flour, white sugar). By doing so, you should be eliminating all processed foods. Remove all table salt and replace it with nourishing sea salt.
Excessively high blood pressure is something that almost never happens with a healthy and active person. Cayenne pepper is particularly helpful for blood pressure and heart issues. (It has been known to stop heart attacks.) Add it to your foods and drinks, or conveniently buy cayenne in capsule form at a health food store, to avoid the usual burning if you are especially sensitive.
Heart disease is neither genetic nor a natural product of aging. It is caused by a degenerative lifestyle for a period of many years, and the longer that this poor lifestyle continues, the worse it gets. This is why it is falsely considered to be a problem with aging, despite the fact that now even children are being diagnosed with heart disease -- telling us just how bad our diets and lifestyles have become.
In addition to blaming aging for heart disease, the medical establishment also blames cholesterol for cardiovascular problems. The whole anti-cholesterol industry, and its science are frauds; and there has never actually been scientifically valid proof that natural cholesterol causes heart disease. Take for example that having elevated levels of cholesterol at the same time as heart disease is not necessarily evidence that one is the cause of the other; and in actuality, they are both just symptoms of the same underlying condition: namely inflammation. In fact, healing heart and arterial damage actually requires saturated fats (more cholesterol), especially during inflammatory periods. Cholesterol is produced by the body itself, in order to save itself. The insanity of medically suppressing it is one reason why cholesterol-lowering drugs are documented to cause heart attacks. Terrible doctorly advice is why heart disease is the medical industry's top failure. Like other long-term degenerative diseases, heart disease takes many years to develop, so reversing it is neither quick nor easy, but it can be done. Curing will never come from a drug. Heart disease is not caused by a drug deficiency.
- Fo-ti
- Horny goat weed
- Asian ginseng ("Panax" Ginseng)
- Perform a detox (cleansing) regimen
- Arginine (L-arginine) *
- Biotin
- Cayenne
- Vitamin E
- Minimize alcohol usage
- Ginkgo biloba
- A natural (hopefully organic) diet
* Those with herpes may wish to avoid using arginine as a treatment, for it can trigger outbreaks. It should also be avoided during outbreaks of chicken pox or shingles, which are caused by a sister virus of herpes. Never use arginine in the months following a heart attack, because it increases the risk of another heart attack. However, it decreases the risk of heart attacks otherwise.
You may notice that the list above is for treating E.D. symptoms, but they cure nothing. We recommend correcting whatever underlying problem is causing the E.D., instead of just covering up the symptoms; since ignoring the root cause may lead to other serious long-term implications.
The recommended supplements can help in the meantime. Gingko biloba is known for this, in particular. Vitamin E is known for helping with erectile dysfunction, because of its ability to massively help boost the circulation. When buying vitamin E, read the label to ensure that it comes from a natural source. In a rather ironic twist, the best vitamin E supplements are extracted from soybean oil; which we normally recommend avoiding. Avoid all other sources of soy; especially if you are experiencing hormonal problems like E.D.
Erectile dysfunction is always a symptom of a much more serious health issue. There are herbs which can be used to treat the symptoms, like ginseng, but reckless usage can be dangerous. For instance, stimulants combined with excessively high blood pressure is a potentially deadly combination. Therefore, E.D. sufferers are advised to attack the root source of their problems, instead of merely seeking a quick fix.
The Known Consequences of Using Pharmaceuticals for Erectile Dysfunction
Viagra | headaches, flushing, abnormal or blurred vision, increased sensitivity to light, diarrhea, dizziness, shock, pain, chills, chest pain, angina pectoris, postural hypotension, cardiac arrest, heart failure, abnormal electrocardiogram, cardiomyopathy, vomiting, colitis, liver function tests abnormal, rectal hemorrhage, anemia, leukopenia, unstable diabetes, gout, hyperglycemic reaction, arthritis, tendon rupture, tenosynovitis, bone pain, myasthenia, synovitis, ataxia, hypertonia, neuralgia, neuropathy, paresthesia, tremor, vertigo, depression, insomnia, somnolence, abnormal dreams, reflexes decreased, hypesthesia, asthma, dyspnea, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, sudden decrease or loss of hearing, mydriasis, conjunctivitis, photophobia, tinnitus, eye pain, ear pain, eye hemorrhage, cataract, dry eyes, seizures, anxiety |
Levitra | anaphylactic reaction (including laryngeal edema), asthenia, face edema, pain, sudden decrease or loss of hearing, tinnitus, angina pectoris, chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, palpitation, postural hypotension, syncope, tachycardia, abdominal pain, abnormal liver function tests, diarrhea, dry mouth, dysphagia, esophagitis, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, GGTP increased, vomiting, arthralgia, back pain, myalgia, neck pain, hypertonia, hypesthesia, insomnia, paresthesia, somnolence, vertigo, dyspnea, epistaxis, pharyngitis, photosensitivity reaction, pruritus, rash, sweating, abnormal vision, blurred vision, chromatopsia, changes in color vision, conjunctivitis (increased redness of the eye), dim vision, eye pain, glaucoma, photophobia, watery eyes, abnormal ejaculation, priapism |
Cialis | asthenia, face edema, fatigue, pain, Nasopharyngitis, Dyspepsia, angina pectoris, chest pain, hypotension, myocardial infarction, postural hypotension, palpitations, syncope, tachycardia, abnormal liver function tests, dry mouth, dysphagia, esophagitis, gastritis, GGTP increased, loose stools, nausea, upper abdominal pain, vomiting, arthralgia, neck pain, dizziness, hypesthesia, insomnia, paresthesia, somnolence, vertigo, dyspnea, epistaxis, pruritus, rash, sweating pharyngitis, blurred vision, changes in color vision, conjunctivitis (including conjunctival hyperemia), eye pain, lacrimation increase, swelling of eyelids, sudden decrease or loss of hearing, tinnitus, spontaneous penile erection, hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and exfoliative dermatitis, migraine, seizure and seizure recurrence, transient global amnesia, visual field defect, retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occlusion, Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy |
The pattern is that each of these drugs in-turn generates more long-term business for the chemical companies and the doctors, and they slowly destroy the health of the patients. It is incredible that these are the drugs that are considered to be the most safe and effective by the F.D.A. There is quite a number of men who have been blinded by Viagra, and they would certainly disagree.
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