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Our readers tend to be health conscious people of high intelligence.  Few of them have pepperoni as a staple of their diets, except for the full-blooded Germans, of course.  I must admit that I do occasionally become unfaithful to my diet, because my eight-year-old son cannot seem to get enough junk food.  I have even stooped to buy frozen pizzas.

Pizza should not be the unhealthy food that it has become.  With a basic pizza, a person would ideally get a small amount of whole grain carbohydrates from the crust of each piece (even though crusts tend to be getting persistently thicker), a good amount of tomato from the sauce, some cheese from the topping, and a heaping helping of beneficial herbs.  Additional toppings are made from foods that are otherwise healthy in their unadulterated states; not counting the various pork toppings.  Of course, they are adulterated.  All of them.

It is sad that our chemical industry has virtually eradicated healthy pizzas for most of us, most of the time.  It is very disturbing to me on a personal level.  Everyone has their weaknesses.  Chocolate is a weakness for many of you.  Pizza is one of my weaknesses.  I grew up in the era of nachos, pizza, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so I suppose that pizza is a comfort food from my childhood and teen years.

All of us know that the pizza situation is constantly getting worse.  We have seen how the list of ingredients constantly grows on supermarket pizza boxes, even as their ingredient fonts seem to shrink.  We know that even with the best of intentions, most pizza restaurants are managed by people who do not know to avoid the new generation of G.M.O. foods, poisonous oils, benzene laced drinks, antibacterial products, MSG, and etc.  They innocently know nothing about natural and organic cooking.  The situation is even worse with the big pizza chains, because their directors do not care.  For the upper level corporate suits, going natural and organic is merely added liability, trouble, and expense.  Some of the 'illuminated' ones are poisoning us intentionally to sicken and weaken us mentally.

When Pepperoni Is Not Pepperoni

I was stunned when I last inspected some frozen pizza boxes.  On the front, in a large bold font was a caption boasting, "Pepperoni from beef, chicken, and pork".  Upon closer inspection, I found that none of the so-called "pepperoni" pizzas actually had real pepperoni on them.  The pepperoni was artificial.  Genuine pepperoni is no longer available as a food item for the majority of Americans.  The new 'product' is made from random body parts of various animals, and this is just the beginning of what we discovered.

Those fatty red disks that are now being called "pepperoni" by big industry are not made by butchers or cooks anymore.  This 'product' is literally manufactured through a patented process at a factory.  In fact, I stumbled upon an actual product patent from the Doskocil company for the "invention" of "pepperoni".  We bet you believed that pepperoni was still a pork meat from the natural world.   Shouldn't we rename it to something like chemoeroni to stop the confusion?  Then again, the confusion is likely intentional.

The investment research firm FundingUniverse reported the following about "pepperoni" "manufacturer" Doskocil (a.k.a. Foodbrands America, Inc.)

Doskocil Companies, Inc. is a leading U.S. manufacturer and distributor of processed meat products engaged with three primary markets: retail, wholesale foodservice, and delicatessen customers.  With product lines ranging from bacon and boneless hams to sausage and Mexican foods, Doskocil is the number one supplier of meat toppings to the $30 billion-per-year U.S. pizza industry.  In addition, the company markets its products under a variety of proprietary brand names, including Wilson Foods, Corn King, Wilson's Continental Deli, Fred's, Doskocil Foods, Jefferson Meats, Rotanelli's, Posada, American Favorite, and Butcher Boy.

In the next section, we include the product's entire patent in all its disgusting glory.  You may notice that the product is intentionally made to "ferment".  That's their pretty word for allowing the meat to rot, before adding red food colorings to hide the fact that it has rotted.  The food and chemical industries apparently have the twisted belief that rotten meat is more delicious than fresh meat.  We're guessing that you didn't know about that either.  One final thing that you may notice are some funny ingredients such as, "hydrolyzate, yeast extract, hydrolyzed yeast, autolyzed yeast", and finally, "hydrolyzed vegetable protein".  Those are common secret code words that are used by the F.D.A. and its partners in the food and chemical industries to hide the truth.  These supposedly differing ingredients are all secret code words for MSG.

We shall write no more about what appears in the patent that is cited next.