Recently, a couple of our former articles have been generating rage from the bowels of the Internet. The two articles are, The Occult, Witchcraft, England, and The Darkness Now Growing In America, and The Texas State Board of Education's Attack on The United States, Our Creator, and How It All Got Started.
A group of modern-day witches made it their mission to silence us because of those stories. We really felt great about that. Whenever a group of Satan-worshipers targets a site, and its writings, then the people involved can know that they are doing something right. We must have hit pretty close to the mark to have upset them to such a degree. What we have done and published has become a threat for them to deal with. They have been stalking Sarah at other sites. They probably figure that it will be easier to terrorize a girl, which means they hardly know our Sarah. Don't worry about The Health Wyze Report, for our security is significantly better than that of most banks.
Their attacks began with a campaign of flooding our stories with belligerent and demeaning comments, in which many of these comments actively tried to place words into our mouths. At several points, inside the hysterical sludge we saw, there were references to the Masonic "mystery religions", and of course, most of these misguided fools do not realize that the great mystery of such "religions" is that at the top of the pyramid is Lucifer. The secrecy of this is important, in much the same regard that cockroaches must flee from the light. For instance, William Cooper exposed that a Freemason must be of 30th degree before he is explictly told about who they really worship. It is the same story for witch's covens. They're all about power, secrecy, vindictiveness, and most importantly: control through deception. This eventually includes quite a bit of self-deception about what they have gotten themselves into, for quitting a coven can get a person killed. It's how they get what they want: terrorism. They tried using terrorism on us, which is exactly what we expected. Before witches openly worship the Devil, there are plenty of demons and devils they regularly pray to while circling fires in the coven's pentagram formation. They routinely plot against other people, who are sociopathically seen as "enemies" (anyone who gets in the way), and they actively call upon magical harm to whomever gets in their way by invoking the wrath of their so-called "gods". They really are a cancer upon their communities, and criminal convictions are common.
So much of it is self-deception, with obvious effects upon their psychological health with extended exposure. Instead of explaining this, I am including their own words in this article. I could not do the situation justice in attempting to report about their psychoses, and their need to mock God at every opportunity. Their own words are much more damning than mine. One thing I have noticed about these people is how they target anything Godly or Christian, but leave Mohammad alone. I find this to be equally telling.
What follows is "the truth" according to our witch attackers, in their own words, virtually unedited. There actually were some necessary English corrections made for readability, for these people are not the sharpest tools in the shed. Tools yes, but definitely not sharp ones. I had previously stated that this site would not become a forum for distributing their poison when I cut them off, but then I realized that their own words were better for steering people away from them than anything that I could write. Sarah did a great job exposing these people in the first article that is cited at the top, which is what got all of this started.
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed Devil also means Little God or Little Master. The Devil as you see him (whose name is Satan, BTW) is a wonderful fictional tale created by one John Milton. Satan is not equal to Lucifer in any shape or form. I suggest you read the story about the Fall of Babylon a bit closer because Lucifer is a title for Light Bearer and is not the same as the Adversary. You are also wrong in that you believe the Wica worship Diana at all. They worship the Lord and Lady of the British Isles whose names are oathbound and since Gardner mentions Diana as being a form of one of those goddesses we can safely assume that Diana is not the Lady. By fertility based it means exactly what fertility means. The Lord and Lady within the Wica are both of equal power, the God and Goddess are equal or else it is not Wica any longer. One gender is not greater over another. If they worshiped only one of the two deities it would not be Wica. Dianic Witchcraft =/= Wica in any way shape or form. Wicca is not a "new name" to make witchcraft more acceptable. It has indeed become that thanks to idiots like Silver Raven****, but that is not why Gardner used it. As I see it, VoiceofReason did not claim that Wicca pre-dates Christianity, and if that is who I think it is, she would never do so. How is it that the Wica worship a deity that is not part of their cosmology? Please explain that. Furthermore, how do you not know that you are praying to Satan when you pray to YHVH? The voice you hear could be the Satan in disguise, and you would have no idea at all. The Bible does not say that other gods do not exist, it merely states to the Israelites to worship Abraham's god ONLY since the Israelite's hailed from the tribes of Sumer and they had a belief that each person had a personal god. Abraham's god and Abraham's people worship YHVH, Only. I certainly do get my power from Nature and the Powers of the cosmos and the Underworld and Fate and the Devil in the guise that I know him as the Goat Angel of Light. This is not the same for all witches of course, and you have no authority to say otherwise as far as I am concerned. Your research is shoddy and very poor. Which of the Wica do you know that they believe in devils? I am sure that VoiceofReason can say more on that, as I am not so certain. However, I will say that I do not believe the Wica work with the Goetia at all. And also, why call on upon a demon of sensuality when the Goddess is the epitome of such a trait? To the point of your little essay, if one could call it that, it seems that you are calling all witches, Wica when that is not the case. As I said I practice witchcraft and I am not of the Wica. All of the Wica are witches but not all witches are of the Wica. Furthermore, it seems that your father just had a run in with some witches that happened to work in that way and falsely called themselves "Wiccan". I will tell you now that they were not of the Wica. In other news it seems that you have mistakenly misunderstood the meaning of the inverted pentagram. If my research tells me true the inverted pentagram is a symbol of the Divine coming down into mortality. If I remember correctly is the symbol of many a second degree in a three degree system be it Wica or no. In an even further note, the serpent is also a symbol of intelligence in a few cultures. The Norse myths come to mind of Odin, master of sorcery and intellect. If by "universe" you mean "Christian Worldview" then you would be absolutely correct. Bill Schnoebelen also describes Wica as a nature-worshiping religion when this is so not the case. His book is a comple! te fallacy and misuses the title of Wica to no end. What he experience d was a different form of witchcraft, most likely Satanic witchcraft from what I gather, and has no connection what so ever with Wica. It also seems that you based your little essay off of his writings which, though cute at first, you must realize that your research was poorly done and that you need to try again. Wicca actually meant TO bend, TO twist, TO warp; this mostly likely had to do with fate as the witches of the past were said to be able to change the fates of others. Of course, this was more seidr than witchcraft, but you get my use of the term I am sure. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed You also seem to be at war with the incest thing when such acts are scattered across the pages of Greek Myth. Zues had children with Hera, you know. Don't insult a culture just because it doesn't fit within your worldview. Lucifer =/= the Satan. Paradise Lost is not Canon. I suggest that you read Isiah 14, and all of it, not just verse 12. If you read all of it, you will understand that the story is not about Satan but about the King of Babylon. Lucifer is a title for "Light Bringer" and "Morning Star" and the Christ is indeed compared to such a title. I quote and translate the Roman Exultet: Flammas eius lucifer matutinus inveniat: nille, inquam, lucifer, qui nescit occasum, Christus Filius uus qui, regressus ab inferis, humano generi serenus illuxit,net vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. May the Morning Star which never sets find this flame still burning: Christ, that Morning Star, who came back from the dead, and shed his peaceful light on all mankind, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. In the New Testament the Adversary has many names, but "Lucifer" is not among them. He is called "Satan" (Matt. 4:10; Mark 1:13, 4:15; Luke 10:18), "devil" (Matt. 4:1), "adversary", (1. Peter 5:8, Tim. 5:14), "enemy", (Matt. 13:39), "accuser", (Rev. 12:10), "old serpent" (Rev. 20:2), "great dragon" (Rev. 12:9), Beelzebub (Matt. 10:25, 12:24), and Belial (comp. Samael). In Luke 10:18, John 12:31, 2. Cor. 6:16, and Rev.12:9 the fall of Satan is mentioned. The devil is regarded as the author of all evil (Luke 10:19; Acts 5:3; 2. Cor. 11:3; Ephes. 2:2), who beguiled Eve (2. Cor. 11:3; Rev. 12:9). Because of Satan eath came into this world, being ever the tempter (1. Cor. 7:5; 1. Thess. 3:5; 1. Peter 5:8), even as he tempted Jesus (Matt. 4). The Christian demonology and belief in the devil dominated subsequent periods.[8] However, though the New Testament includes the conception that Satan fell from heaven "as lightning" (Luke 10:18; Rev. 12:7-10), it nowhere applies the name Lucifer to him. No one is arguing that Wica is not a branch of witchcraft. Article One of the Declaration of Faith states: We are the Wica and our religion is Witchcraft. It is clearly witchcraft. Why should a religion that has existed for 50 years have any less merit than one that has existed for 2,000 years? |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed Wica is not a nature religion, if you had done your research you would have known that as well. Try reading something by Gardner sometime and expand your knowledge on things instead of playing the ignorant card, it's pathetic. If they mock YHVH then you should damned well defend your faith instead of hiding. The fact that you do get the entire symbolism of what a Goat is tells me a lot more about your shoddy research. Only in your narrow world view do you see the Serpent in that way. I am indeed a heathen, yes, thank you. Your lack of knowledge on symbolism is astounding. I suggest you look into gnostic Christianity to understand more about what the Light Bringer is. See Lumiel for more details. No, you have no authority because you didn't do your research. You are ignorant of even your own religion and I feel sorry for you. Go do you damned research and try again. Why the hell would I waste my time and energy to try and curse you? You assume to much of me, really. Further than that I doubt that you have the ability to block out anything on that level. YHVH isn't your personal servant that is going to help you whenever you need it. As Voice says this conversation is going to go absolutely no where because mostly you are playing the Persecution and Ignorant cards. Go do you research and try again. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed You also seem to have reading comprehension. Zues and Hera were siblings and they had children together. Incest was not uncommon within Greek myths. That a bit clearer for you, Mr. Thomas? I do not worship Zues, nor do I adhere at all to the Greek Pantheon, I thank you. You are trying to pull something out of my statement that never existed. You really have no proof that I worship Satan, and this argument is getting quite boring for me, I must say. Mostly because of your shoddy research. Both of you, by the way, not just Sarah. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed Furthermore, how do you know of the practices of an OATHBOUND, INITIATORY, CLOSED OFF culture? Do tell me, I so wish to know. And if YHVH is not part of my cosmology how in the world am I sinning against him? Your "sins" are for Christians and those who practice the Christian faith. I am not Christian, and I don't worship the Abrahamic god, therefore I do not "sin" against him. Research your religion, plox. You both seem to be confusing all witches with LeVeyan Satanists, and it is getting quite annoying. Do your damned research and then come back to me. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed As I was saying: How do you know the practices of an oathbound, initiatory, closed religion? Have you been initiated into a Wiccan coven? Furthermore, I do not worship the Abrahamic god, you do. You can sin against him because you worship him, I can not because I do not worship him. Research your own religion, please. And everything you do is intended to insult humanity's intelligence, like what you are doing here, and of course your lame research.
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment to a content item you have subscribed I do not molest children, because I hate children and don't want to be around them. I like men, not boys, I thank you. Zues and Hera were siblings. They had sexual intercourse and created many children. Incest was not uncommon within Greek, and therefore Roman, myth. Do your research and learn reading comprehension while you're at it. You can't just kick me off because you don't agree with me. Oh wait, I suppose you're THAT type of Christian, aren't you. Silencing the Heretics because you know that they are right. Way to defend your faith, way to defend your intelligence, way to make all Christians look like ignorant fools. Way to go! You're a winnar. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> Hello Thomas Corriher, Name: Lumiel Azazel |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment and must be approved You know what I say is true, and you can hide all you want behind your lies and masks. The Truth will out you soon enough. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> You can't just knock someone off of your site just because they don't agree with you. That isn't proper management and frankly I am surprised at it. If you want to be a good Christian you would listen and do your research and know that just because someone doesn't worship the god of Abraham doesn't mean that they are instantly worshipping Satan. That is only your world view and in that world view the Abrahamic god has created a heaven for his followers to get to. That heaven is for the Christians, and only the Christians. You really need to do your research instead of condemning everyone. In fact you shouldn't be condemning anyone at all. Read Luke 6:37 very carefully. "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:" You are mortal and do not have the power to condemn anyone, at all. Remember that. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> It was originally "Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live." which meant any person that would poison their neighbor's crop and property et cetera. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment and must be approved |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment and must be approved "Zeus had children with Hera" You do know that Hera was Zeus's older sister Incestuous endogamy was a common practice in ancient times and seen a lot in the Greek myths. Having never seen any ages given I don't believe Zeus was ever a child when he defeated his own father took the throne and married his sister. Also I've never read anywhere of Zeus ever doing anything in a sexual nature with his own children. Please show us where Greek Mythology leads to child-molestation. |
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> Hello Thomas Corriher,
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> Hello Thomas Corriher,
From: HealthWyze.org Mailer - <no_replies@healthwyze.org> A user has posted a new comment and must be approved What I find funny is that you try to link a Greek Goddess to a British tradition. What does Greece have to do with Britian except that the might be in the EU. Another thing you fail to cite in your article is that Wicca is an oathbound religion. The Lord and Lady of the Isles as they are commonly known to all, are not known to those of the Outer Court. In other words their names are bound by oath. Those who do know their names are also bound by oath and cannot speak them. Why? Because it's a mystery religion. If they were to speak their names then it wouldn't be a mystery. Wicca was created in 1950 by a man named Gerald Gardner. He was a civil servant. So that pretty much debunks the whole "Wicca pre-dates Christianity bit". Then again that theory has been debunked several times before. Also you guys throwing the term good witch makes me laugh really really hard. Are you serious? Wow me thinks someone needs to step away from the Silver Ravenwolf fluffy stuff or stop smoking period. It's bad for your health (ironic on how this is supposed to be a health site and yet it's run by crackheads xD Gotta love irony). There really are no good witches or bad witches. Wicca isn't about goody two shoes stuff. Hell, not every Wiccan believes in the Rede (which means advice.) Ultimately good and evil or good or bad are subjective. Also Witchcraft is a CRAFT or PRACTICE. It's not a religion. Another sign that you've been reading way too many Silver Ravenwolf books. Don't worry you aren't the only ones. She pollutes people for teh moneys. Which is sad. Now witchcraft, the practice has been practiced and passed down for centuries. Wicca uses witchcraft in it's rituals, but it's not a branch of it nor is it a religion. It never was. The light bearer interpretation actually comes from understanding the Latin Vulgate. Which is where we see Lucifer. The Hebrew form (which I can't spell for the life of me, not going to try) tells of a Babylonian King who ultimately fell. He wasn't Satan. The Bible makes many many many allusions to Babylon and other ancient civilizations that tried to overtake Judea (modern day Israel). It shouldn't take a fledging writer to even understand this. Why is hard for you to? Did you fail English Lit or something? Ha-Satan only appears in Christian and Jewish mythos. He doesn't appear in any other Paleo-Pagan mythos. Sorry but you really need to do more research. Ha-Satan isn't some giant demon thing but he is YHVH's angel. In other words Ha-Satan is a servant of YHVH (in case you haven't noticed YHVH is the hebrew form of your God.) He still resides in Heaven as an adversary. His only role in life is to test humans. Go figure. Also, Pagans aren't child molestors. Please stop confusing us with the Frosts. (I have boyfriend who's a year younger than me. I don't have interest in children. I like men not little boys. Thank you very much :|) Also, Sarah you are NOT the only authority. The ONLY authority is YHVH. Step down little girl. :3 Also, you and Thomas seem to neglect the most important law that Jesus gave: Love thy neighbor. So kindly stop with the Ad Homs. Have a Blessed Day. xD |
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