Those who eat a balanced and wholesome diet should seldomly become ill. Healthy people are usually able to combat minor infections without showing any symptoms. However, even healthy people become sick whenever their exposure to pathogens is persistent, or when they have become too lax in their diets. Emotional stress can weaken the immune system too.
Our usual recommendations about the avoidance of most sugars, and a diet featuring vegetables should be disregarded during sickness. While these healthy habits may be ideal for preventing illness, they can actually slow a body's recovery when an infection has taken hold. During sickness, normal digestion is essentially suspended, and it is very common for the intestinal yeast to overrun the beneficial bacteria, which would normally help to digest the more challenging foods, like vegetables.
What the body needs most during routine illnesses are sugary, salty, and fatty foods. Most people crave junk foods when they are sick, because the body needs the ingredients of these foods to repair and defend itself. Sugars are generally regarded as villains, but it is important to remember that sugar is what gives the body energy. When a body is busy fighting an infection, sugars will provide emergency energy that a body needs, and they help the patient to be more active. Foods that are high in fat allow the body to defend the nervous system from attack, and some of the fat will be used for energy production.
Most health-conscious people consume only small amounts of salt, due to the categorical slander of salt by the medical establishment. As a result, health-conscious people are often deficient in salt, and the trace minerals that accompany sea salt. Salt helps to defend the body against invaders. Because of this, those who eat processed foods regularly are ironically better protected against routine illnesses than the health-conscious are; but of course, those with healthier lifestyles fare much better against serious diseases. The white, minerally-stripped, and processed table salts have contributed to our modern epidemics by lacking the important minerals that salt is supposed to contain, so stick with sea salt if possible. Increasing salt intake during sickness would be a wise approach.
Some processed foods will actually be better for a person who is sick than what we normally consider to be healthy foods. The wisest approach during sickness is to obey any food cravings that arise, because the body knows exactly what it needs.
Some of the people who read this section will assume that our recommendations are terrible, because the recommendations will produce an acidic body pH. This is true. However, it is impossible to maintain an alkaline body pH during times of infectious illness. The pattern is so recurring that the human body might actually be designed to become more acidic, as a means of creating an inhospitable environment for pathogenic invaders. We certainly know that attempts to maintain an alkaline pH during an infection are futile and counter-productive. Thus, a patient should try to work with whatever the body is doing, instead of against nature. When wellness is obtained again, all of the rules revert back to normal.
It is common for those who are sick to use vaporizers or humidifiers, but both can be counterproductive. Never use such devices with chlorinated water, for they will cause chlorine gas to be released, worsening any lung problems.
There is public concern about the use of sulfide compounds as preservatives, but they are among the safest preservatives and natural antibiotics. Sulfides were the first antibiotics, and they were among the original preservatives too. They have better safety records than any of our modern antibiotics, and they work well. Sulfide-based antibiotics were not abandoned because they had lost their usefulness. They were instead discarded because the associated patents had expired, so it was entirely about the money. Whenever people are sick, they can benefit from sulfur's antibacterial properties. One of the best sources of sulfur is wine. Sulfites are naturally produced during the fermentation process that transforms grape juice into wine. Additional sulfides are sometimes added to wines as preservatives. Another method for getting plenty of sulfur is to supplement with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). It occurs naturally in some plants, and it is considered to be the most absorbable form of sulfur, because it the same form that is found in foods. Do not confuse MSM, a sulfur compound, with M.M.S., a chlorine-based toxin and health fraud that we discuss elsewhere.
The following supplements are anti-viral and anti-bacterial. They will help the body to fight infections. The dosages provided are just estimates, and minor changes will not be harmful.
The Anti-Virals
- Colloidal silver * (3 fluid ounces 2-4 times a day)
- Myrrh (1.5 grams for an average adult)
- Neem * (500 mg. per 125 lbs. of body weight)
- Echinacea (400 mg. per 100 lbs. of body weight)
- St. John's wort * (300 mg. per 150 lbs. of body weight)
- Zinc (25 mg. per 100 lbs. of body weight)
- American ginseng (panax ginseng)
- Feverfew (250 mg. per 150 lbs. of body weight)
- Vitamin C (1 gram / 1,000 mg. twice a day for adults, and half for children)
* Never take St. John's wort or neem when pregnant, or while trying to become pregnant. Both are contraceptives, and St. John's wort can induce abortions in early pregnancies. Myrrh is difficult to acquire, so we are listing our source as Monterey Bay Spice Company. Those with lung infections should also inhale colloidal silver through a nebulizer.
Astragalus (500 mg. per 100 lbs. of body weight) should be used if the lymph nodes are inflamed. It is particularly helpful against staph infections and infections targeting the lymphatic system. We do not recommend using these supplements preventively, because the body may develop a tolerance to them, and then they will lose their effectiveness. The exception is vitamin C, which a person should use daily in the same amount. Feverfew is especially helpful in reducing fevers and eliminating some types of headaches.
The Do Nots
Never attempt to diet or perform any type of cleanse while fighting an infection. Dieting will cause the sickness to last longer. Cleanses will place extra stress on the body and the illness could be made worse as a result. The degree to which the sickness is exacerbated will vary depending on the type of cleanse, but all cleanses and diets should be ceased to allow the body to fully recover. Allow at least a week after all symptoms have passed before attempting a cleanse or resuming a diet.
Alcohol as Medicine
It has long been common for media companies to mock traditional therapies; even those which have had superior safety and efficacy. Perhaps the most memorable instance of this (for those of us who are old enough to remember) was "Tennessee Tranquilizer", or simply "the medicine", from the television show, The Beverly Hillbillies. This medicine was homemade liquor, which was commonly referred to as "moonshine". The traditional use of alcohol as a medical therapy was a long-standing joke on the show. The joke took advantage of how modern Americans are indoctrinated into believing that drugs are the only valid treatment option.
Alcohol has been used by the human race throughout most of its history as a method of boosting immunity, and for fighting active infections; as a truly natural antibiotic. Organic alcohol is one of the most effective and safe antibiotics ever discovered by man. It is a natural medicine and a gift from God. The only thing comparable in naturalness, safety, and effectiveness is colloidal silver. Alcohol's effectiveness is why doctors swab an area with alcohol before giving an injection. They choose alcohol instead of an antibiotic cream, since most bacteria survives topical applications of antibiotics. In fact, we have written elsewhere about the frauds of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizer products, and how they often have bacteria living inside them.
Alcohol is no longer recommended by doctors for the same reason that they do not recommend the use of marijuana (cannabis) or cocaine anymore. The use of natural products cannot be patented for monopolization, so the pharmaceutical industry will not allow them to be considered medicinal. The industry succeeded in banning all consumable alcohol in the United States during an infamous period of its history. If they are successful in their modern propaganda campaign, then readers will not be able to seriously consider alcohol as the safe and powerful medicine that it truly is. The truth is that about half of the viruses die faster in contact with alcohol than with any other substance on Earth. Prior to the advent of pharmacology, our grandparents already knew the truth about the benefits of alcohol, as did countless earlier generations.
It is our recommendation that vodka be chosen as the preferred medicine whenever alcohol is used as an internal therapy. This is because vodka is the purest source of consumable alcohol. Alternatives to vodka usually contain a variety of harmful impurities or yeasts, which further burden an immune system. Beer is absolutely the worst choice; due to its excessive yeast, unhealthy carbohydrates, and its low amount of alcohol per serving.
A therapeutic amount of alcohol will cause a patient to become tipsy, but drunkenness is not necessary. Human blood becomes somewhat toxic to both bacteria and viruses at only a slight degree of intoxication. It is often enough to rapidly give the patient's immune system an advantage. In the very least, this therapy will reliably eliminate much of the patient's suffering, without the long-term havoc that is caused by the residual fungal bio-toxins, which are found inside today's 'real medicine'. The main negative consequence to drinking alcohol is that it is dehydrating, so plenty of other fluids should be consumed to forestall dehydration. Alcohol therapy is especially beneficial for patients with lung infections, because it helps patients rest, and because patients will breathe out alcohol fumes for hours afterward, to make the lungs toxic to infections.
When to Avoid Medicinal Alcohol
The use of alcohol will be counterproductive during times of nausea or diarrhea. Alcohol may do more harm than good during times of kidney stress or kidney infection. On occasion, vodka may actually help during a kidney infection. In such cases, experiment in moderation, and use common sense. Tylenol (acetaminophen) should never be mixed with alcohol, because it can cause fatal liver toxicity. This is how many of the so-called "binge drinkers" have died on college campuses.
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