Toxins in Disposable Diapers: Dioxin and Sodium Polyacrylate
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 24, 2009 August 24, 2009
Most parents have heard about the dangers of BPA in infant bottles, and as such, stores usually sell BPA-free options. However, there are other dangers that parents do not yet know about.
Disposable diapers pose a health risk to children. We have previously reported on sanitary pads and tampons causing endometriosis through dioxin exposure. Dioxins are a byproduct of chlorine, which is used during the bleaching process. Dioxins accumulate in the body throughout the lifetime of victims. Dioxin exposure as a child will impede the immune system of the individual forever. It means that they will never be as strong as they should have been. Dioxins are responsible for a range of reproductive and developmental problems, damaging the immune system, along with causing major hormonal imbalances and cancer. Many infants are now exposed to dioxins 24 hours a day, and yet society wonders why girls are beginning puberty younger than ever, and hormonal disorders are becoming increasingly common in children.
The Big One: Naturally Preventing and Curing Heart Disease
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 13, 2009 August 13, 2009
Those who would prefer to listen to this report may do so on our audio archive page.
No health topic is more important, more full of misinformation, and more complex than this one. This report tackles the four most common conditions associated with "heart disease": hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, and congestive heart failure. The information herein should be useful for all heart problems.
Heart disease is the number one killer in America, and yet it does not induce terror as cancer does. The reason for this is because people are horrified of the cancer treatments, not the disease itself. Alas, heart health is frequently ignored in lieu of cancer concerns, with breast cancer being an excellent example of this short sightedness. Case in point: For every woman who dies of breast cancer (cancer treatments) 11 more will die from coronary heart disease. About 60% of heart disease deaths happen suddenly in people who had no previous symptoms and normal cholesterol levels. These people simply collapsed unexpectedly. The real lesson to be learned, as you will see, is everything that we have been taught about heart disease is wrong. If the experts whom we have been listening to were right, then heart disease would not be the #1 failure of modern medicine.
Video: A Family Fights Hospital for Life Saving Vitamin C and the Horrors of Socialized Medicine
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 21, 2009 August 21, 2009
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Allen Smith receiving medical care in intensive care with life support after the hospital staff decided that a "drug induced coma" would be therapeutic for his "swine" flu. | Allen Smith after escaping from the hospital, with help from his family, and self treatments with orally administered vitamin C. | |||
Any questions? |
Salvia Divinorum: Exposing the Power of Alternative Herbal Medicines and The People Who are Threatened by Them
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 18, 2009 August 18, 2009
We recently uncovered research on salvia divinorum's ability to curb the cravings for heroin and cocaine amongst addicts.
"You can give a rat free access to cocaine, give them free access to Salvinorin A [the active component of salvia], and they stop taking cocaine."
-- Thomas Prisinzano, University of Iowa
Salvia Divinorum is a perennial herb and a member of the sage family. It was commonly used by the Mazatec Indians medicinally for the management of cluster headaches, diarrhea, rheumatism, and anemia, according to Leander Valdez III, Jose Luis Diaz, and Ara Paul of the University of Michigan. The Mazatecs also used the leaves in large doses (50-100 leaves) to induce altered states of consciousness, which they believed helped them to intuitively detect the root causes of ailments.
Treating and Maybe Curing Hepatitis C With Natural and Holistic Methods
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 13, 2009 August 13, 2009
Hepatitis is truly a vicious devil. It is a virus that spreads and reproduces primarily in the liver like a parasite. When attacked, hepatitis may go dormant and hide itself in other parts of the body like herpes, chicken pox, and H.I.V. do. It may strike again later, when a victim's immune system is weak enough for it to overrun the body unopposed. Even a liver transplant will not cure it, for the virus hides in other parts of the body. It enters a transplanted liver whenever a body becomes sufficiently weak. Thus, organ transplants only restart the cycle with a healthier liver. Of all the hepatitis variants, the "C" version is the worst, and it is officially considered to be incurable. It is the type that this report and our treatment protocol focuses upon. Other versions, such as hepatitis A and B will be eliminated by an immune system in time without intervention, so long as the patient takes reasonably good care of himself.
Video: Health Food Store Raided at Gunpoint For Selling Natural Milk
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 11, 2009 August 11, 2009

When we talk about the F.D.A.'s vendetta against alternative medicine, and their business relationship with Big Pharma, some of our newer readers may believe that we are a little paranoid. In the latest example of F.D.A. induced aggression, local law enforcement personnel raided a Venice, California health food store for selling raw milk.
In a manner reminiscent of a hostage situation, police entered the store with guns drawn, to confiscate the contraband (milk). California has been one of few states in which raw milk is regularly sold openly in stores. While it is legal to sell raw milk in the state, regulators allege that the Rawesome Foods did not have proper licenses. Of course, a license is not necessary for selling homogenized milk, which is the single biggest contributing factor to the number one killer in the United States, namely heart disease, or any junk food which has been tied to sudden heart attacks (MSG), brain tumors (aspartame), hormone related diseases (soy), or heart lesions (rapeseed and "canola" oil). These can even be marketed as "healthy" foods, by F.D.A. regulations, but natural milk cannot be. These foods are not "dangerous" like milk in its natural form, after all.
Why Puberty Is Occurring In Seven and Eight Year Old Girls
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 11, 2009 August 11, 2009
On August 9th, 2010, The New York Times published an article titled First Signs of Puberty Seen in Younger Girls, in which it reported about a research study that demonstrated puberty is occurring in much younger girls than previous generations. Some girls are growing breasts by the age of 7. This trend has been continuing for a long time, and researchers have been puzzled by it. A 2010 study by the Cincinnati Children's Hospital came close to pinning down the cause.
"It's certainly throwing up a warning flag... I think we need to think about the stuff we're exposing our bodies to and the bodies of our kids. This is a wake-up call, and I think we need to pay attention to it."
-- Dr. Frank Biro, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
A Testament To Organic Foods
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 07, 2009 August 07, 2009
We recently had trouble finding organic apples, so we subsequently bought conventionally-grown apples at Walmart. We washed the apples, in an attempt to remove any pesticide residue that remained on the exterior. However, when biting into my most recent apple, it was immediately obvious that something was terribly wrong. I tried to eat the apple, but struggled against its bizarre taste. I could not do it. Despite having been exposed to my mouth bacteria, and after sitting out exposed to air at room temperature all night, there was still virtually no browning at all. The photos for this article were taken 15 hours after the attempt to eat it. It is like the apple from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. The texture of the apple was strange too, and closer to that of a rubber ball than an apple. Perhaps we needed a reminder of the importance of buying organic. Despite the bogus studies which say that there is no difference between organic and chemical-ridden foods, we can clearly see it here.
Consumer Reports Calls for F.D.A. Regulation of Supplements
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 03, 2008 August 03, 2008
There was a political firestorm over dietary supplements and herbs in the early 1990's. Natural medicines in the U.S. were about to be regulated out of existence by the government, and all supplements would need F.D.A. approval that required the same prohibitively expensive testing process as pharmaceutical drugs. Thankfully, enough concerned citizens stood up for their right to have unfettered access to dietary supplements. No government has a right to regulate God's natural medicines or to prevent nutrition. Because of the selfless work of our community, The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 was passed. Since then, there have been periodic threats to our health freedoms; all of which have been quashed.
The Mail Bag #9: Being Health Wyze, Responsible, and The Faith Connection
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 03, 2009 August 03, 2009
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From: Thomas Corriher To: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Culpability For Ill Health Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 09:13:32 -0400 (EDT) |
"Dear Health Wyze, I certainly agree with you that good health is not based primarily on receiving the approved mainstream health care in this country. I am glad someone is trying to promote Scripture-based health practices.
" you really think we have to blame ONLY those profit-seeking corporations who benefit from widespread ignorance...or should we also blame the millions of us who glut ourselves on short-term pleasures (like soda pop and artificially-flavored pastries) and then demand to have our health "fixed" quickly and painlessly? Don't get me wrong... it is clear that many corporations have a great interest in promoting an unhealthful lifestyle in America and elsewhere. They are blameworthy before God and man for their falsehoods and greed. But are we, the American consuming public, not also greatly to blame when we lie in the front of the television, fattening food in one hand and the remote in the other? In an era when information is easily found on the internet, are we not guilty of sloth and culpable ignorance if we continue to believe the lies we are told?"