Macaroni and Cheese
Chicken Curry
The Chemical Industry's Solution To Unhygienic Factory Farm Conditions
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 11, 2009 December 11, 2009
With multiple meat recalls each year, most people assume that slaughterhouses are under close scrutiny by the U.S.D.A., and are desperately trying to create cleaner conditions. This is not the case. It would mean that someone had actually taken responsibility for the conditions of the slaughterhouses, and the manner in which cows are raised, which has been directly breeding the rampant bacteria. The facts that cows (and other animals in our food chain) are raised inside sheds, whilst perpetually sleeping and standing in their own fecal matter are ignored. Many of the cows are so diseased that they cannot stand without assistance, but they are still considered healthy enough to enter the food chain. The manner in which these animals are raised is truly disgusting, and it produces a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If any citizen were to keep his family pets in similar conditions, an animal cruelty lawsuit would be commenced immediately.
As usual, Big Pharma has the solution, which usually means there is cause to be very, very afraid. It is the standard, modern Big Pharma solution to poor hygiene: a vaccine. You probably thought it was going to be antibiotics. Well... they are already using those, but the conditions are so incredibly disgusting that their powerful antibiotics can no longer stop the serious disease pathogens. We could not make this stuff up.
A Precautionary Notice About Consuming Foods Containing Polyunsaturated Vegetable Oils; Even The Most Righteous Of Them All: Flax Seeds
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 11, 2009 December 11, 2009
Flax Oil for Omega-3
When untainted and unadulterated by the food industry, flax seed oil seems to have virtually countless miraculous health-generating properties, which are falsely believed to stem from the oil's omega-3 content. Technically, flax seeds and flax seed oil do not contain omega-3's. They instead contain alpha-linolenic acid, which a body's enzymes use as a raw material to synthesize its own EPA and DHA (omega-3 oils) in exactly the amounts needed to balance the inflammatory omega-6 and 9 oils that are so common in our diets. These facts make flax seed oil superior to fish oil supplements for getting both the exact amount of needed omega-3's, and for getting absolutely pure omega-3's into the body. For these reasons, we have always recommended that only flax seed oil be used for omega-3 supplementation. It may be the most important supplement that a person can take, with it racing closely against vitamin C. It literally is a cure for cancer and it substantially fights heart disease and other inflammatory disorders.
Movie Review: Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 10, 2009 December 10, 2009
We recently watched the documentary, Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 days. The movie takes six severe diabetics, who regularly take insulin alongside dozens of other diabetic medications, and places them on a completely natural, raw diet. They gradually find no need for the insulin or the pharmaceuticals, and become independent. While we do not usually recommend a completely raw diet, it is ideal for any diabetic who wishes to be cured. After his initial dieting, a diabetic could return to a less extreme diet, but hopefully never to a 'normal' diet again. For many viewers, this movie will be a very enlightening as all the 'incurable' chronic diabetics are cured using only food. Some of the people were so mentally conditioned by the medical establishment that they spent most of their dieting time attempting to rationalize how their health improvements could not really be happening, despite the obvious changes in their health, and their ever-dropping blood sugar numbers, which eventually became better than normal. The plan shown in the movie even worked for type 1 diabetes, which is often believed to be genetic. So much for the evil genes theory. The movie sadly demonstrated how effective the establishment's propaganda is, and one person actually bailed-out of the program because he could not accept having his life-long belief system proven wrong. We highly recommend this movie, especially to those who are suffering with pre-diabetes, type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
You can read more about the movie at the Raw For 30 Days website. It is also available on the bittorrent system, for those of us who are struggling too much to buy an official copy. Also, if you are patient enough, you may immediately watch the entire movie in 10 minute segments on YouTube.
Why Salads Are Not Usually Healthy and How To Do Them Right
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 10, 2009 December 10, 2009
Deceptive Healthy Foods
People who try to become healthier often make mistakes as a result of what they have been told to eat by the media. The most notorious example is how soy was paraded as a marvelous health food, and it is only now that the truth about soy is being revealed. Soy is virtually always genetically engineered, and it is particularly damaging to the thyroid, and thereby causes hormonal imbalances. The dangers of soy could fill up multiple articles.
Why A Salad Is Often The Most Unhealthy Choice
When heading into a restaurant, many believe that the salad bar is a healthy and nutritious option. They are very wrong. The core ingredient of most salads is lettuce, a vegetable which has very little nutritional benefit. Lettuce is on par with corn nutritionally, and we are talking about real corn; not the genetically engineered variants that are lining grocer shelves. Practically all of the restaurant lettuce is 'conventionally' (chemically) grown, meaning that this normally nutritionally deficient vegetable has only 1/10th the nutrients that it did eighty years ago, and it was hardly nutritious back then. The truth is, eating a lettuce salad will usually leave you hungry, and it will do very little to improve your health. If you are actually satisfied from eating salads, then it is probably because of the hazardous, empty calorie additives that top them. In comparison to these industry-perverted toppings, lettuce seems like a nutritious super food.
Understanding Foods Labeled 'Modified'; What Is Modified Food Starch and Should It Be Avoided?
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 09, 2009 December 09, 2009

Selecting healthy foods from grocery stores is very difficult in this era, since so many of the products are actually toxic. Reading the ingredients can be scary, and most people do not understand them. This is intentional. There is one ingredient that recurs often: modified food starch. The only thing this label tells with certainty is that the so-called "food starch" is not really food starch anymore. There is no definitive way to know what the derived substance is, but it is unnatural.
It is most often corn starch that has been chemically treated to change it into a thickening agent, emulsifier, or a stabilizer. It can be chemically treated in many ways, and for different reasons. Many of the foods are now being altered by being fermented with genetically-engineered bacteria. Consumers have no way to know. The F.D.A. believes that people have no right to know; as is the case for radioactive foods, genetically-engineered foods, and so on.
Doublethink and Doublespeak In The Health Care Debate
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 07, 2009 December 07, 2009
Scouring the health news from mainstream sources can be very disturbing, and even confusing when they use doublespeak, as was written about in the book, 1984. Doublespeak is the act of promoting two completely contradictory beliefs as true to sow confusion and foster manipulation. It is a way of negating unwanted concepts.
War Is Peace
Freedom Is Slavery
Ignorance Is Strength
For instance, the New York Times tells its readers to spend wisely on vitamins, because vitamins are ineffective and have not been thoroughly tested. Technically, water was never thoroughly tested either, for those who are interested in such word games. According to The Times, only U.S.P. (U.S. Pharmacopoeia) vitamins are even worthwhile. Yes, this is the very same Pharmacopoeia that once suggested patients drink mercury and arsenic compounds for therapeutic effects. The Times' behavior hearkens back to the dark days when chiropractors were imprisoned for making 'unapproved medical claims', like for instance, their claim that vitamin C was beneficial to the immune system.
Anarcho-Psychology: Breaking Down Barriers And Creating Meaning Through The Absurdity Of Life
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- Written by Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D., B.C.S.A. Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D., B.C.S.A.
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 07, 2009 December 07, 2009

Psychologist and guest columnist Dan L. Edmunds describes the the brokenness and corruption of modern psychiatry from first-hand observations.He explains how it has become locked in a self-defeating paradigm of enslavement instead of empowerment, which is now more like a penal system than a mental health system.
One of my clients, a thirteen year old boy, related to me about his prior time at a residential treatment center. He said that many of the staff would call him and the other children by obscene names, that he often felt bullied, degraded, and "like I never was a human being". The father of this young man told me that "you have done more for him in a few weeks than many did in years." This was a kind compliment, and I was pleased that I was able to make a contribution to this boy's life; but beyond that, I began to think what exactly was different in my approach with this young man that has allowed a connection to blossom forth to help him progress in a short period that was contrary to what he had received in years of prior 'treatments. I found the answer to this in what I sought to create, and I believe this is the key to any genuine emotional healing relationship. Beyond that, I radically tore down the barriers that would separate us. I tore down the hierarchy. I did not bully him or seek to use my position to force or coerce. From the beginning, I informed him that he was in a safe place to be his actual self, a place where he could feel comfortable to express whatever he chose without judgment or hostility. It came to be that whenever crises arose, he would often seek me out.
Quick Tip: Hydrogen Peroxide For Stunningly White Teeth
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 06, 2009 December 06, 2009
You can safely bleach your own teeth using a natural substance: oxygen. Simply rinse and gargle with oxygenated water, more commonly known as hydrogen peroxide, every time that you brush your teeth. In a matter of weeks, a tremendous change will be seen in the color of the teeth. The oxygen from hydrogen peroxide will safely bleach teeth white. If caught early enough, gargling with hydrogen peroxide can sometimes wipe-out a sore throat infection. Unlike fluoridated toothpastes, it can even be swallowed without the necessity of a visit to a hospital. Ingestion of low doses is actually good for the body. The main side effect is a reduced cancer risk. The ideal peroxide is 3% strength or weaker of food grade hydrogen peroxide. Normal hydrogen peroxide contains chemical stabilizers and other additives, which may get absorbed into the body.