God's Nutrition: From The Big Guy Himself

"If you will listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer, because I am the Lord who heals you."

-- Exodus 15:26

We need to look no further than the Laws of Kosher for evidence of the existence of God. His laws of nutrition identically match what took mankind thousands of years of scientific effort to discover. The Jewish people have more-or-less obeyed God's dietary laws. They have typically lived better and longer lives as a result. On average, they outlive the rest of us by about 30 years. That's 30 years of being much more disease-free too.

The Good Book

The Bible is the best selling book in history, and it is also the most debated of all books. Some believers think of the Bible as a tool, while others consider it to be a history book, and another category of believers considers the Bible to be a guidebook for life. For eons, people have practiced its dietary edicts and in particular, it has been the Jewish people who followed the Bible's instructions most rigorously about which foods are acceptable. The foods Biblically blessed for human consumption are commonly called kosher foods. Modern Christians tend to ignore the kosher rules of the Old Testament section, using several quotes from The New Testament as justification. There is no place in the Bible where the Christ actually gave us permission to defy God. It was only Paul, the one with questionable discipleship who did. He is nonetheless widely believed to have been one of the chosen twelve, despite his murderous history and having never met the Christ.

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The Best Natural Stimulants For Increased Energy and Weight Loss

We strongly recommend caution against the use of stimulants for those with unresolved heart problems or high blood pressure. Use caution when combining stimulants. For people of reasonably good health and common sense, stimulants can be like a God-send; especially for those who have slowed metabolisms. Of course, we recommend dealing appropriately with whatever underlying issues might be causing a slowed metabolism, but sometimes a multi-pronged attack is prudent. Appropriately used stimulants can help a person to get into better shape, while providing the necessary energy to do so, at the same time. Again, common sense and responsible usage are prudent to ensure that more good is done than harm.

Our official recommendation is that people start slowly discovering how these various stimulants effect them independently. As Confucius once stated, "Never test the depth of the water with both feet at the same time". If used excessively or unwisely, these stimulants could cause serious health issues. The first major problem will be kidney stress for most individuals who use this information unwisely.

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Revising The History Of Medicine and Some Old School Medicine In Old Salem

The Moravians, a Protestant sect who came to America from Germany, have a living museum in Winston-Salem comprising several streets.  They have homes and business buildings that date back hundreds of years, replete with ladies and tradesmen playing the roles of their contemporaries from centuries past.  This place is called Old Salem.  It is like a small scale version of Colonial Williamsburg.  Walking about Old Salem, one would almost expect to see George Washington riding his steed, or an invading army of Red Coats.

Calm Before The Storm:  Before The Doctor's House

We enjoyed our visit, and stumbled over some interesting facts that are worthy of being reported to our readers.  There were also a few history lessons about how much history has been corrupted by powerful industries, even amongst the historians.

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It Is Unsafe To Eat Restaurant Food

People assume that restaurant plates, utensils, and cups are dried using heat, not chemicals. Few restaurants simply dry their food utensils after washing them nowadays. They are using so-called "drying agents" on everything except for the tables and chairs, and perhaps we would have cause to shudder if we knew what was being used on them.

Some of the drying agents used are bone phosphate, calcium aluminum silicate, calcium ferrocyanide, calcium silicate, sulfamic acid, calcium stearate, kaolin, magnesium silicate (synthetic), magnesium stearate, potassium ferrocyanide, salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide, sodium aluminosilicate, sodium ferrocyanide, tricalcium phosphate, and trimagnesium phosphate.

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Why We Bought A Bread Maker, and Why You Definitely Should Too

One of the most unhealthy items in the average household is bread. Commercial bread is nothing short of toxic, despite all of the marketing claims about its nutritional qualities and high fiber. The modern breads that are sold in retailers always contain soybean oil, and they usually contain aluminum too. The days of false marketing about the health benefits of soy are almost over. Aluminum is a toxic heavy metal which builds up in the human body to cause neurological problems over time.

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Mail Bag #11: Trusted Companies, Pagan Infiltrators, Colloidal Silver, and Supplement Safety

From: Thomas Corriher
To: *************
Subject: Re: Some Questions
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2011 14:23:00 -0500 (EDT)

"First, do you know of a good place online that I could buy some "high quality" Fo-Ti root and/or Saw Palmetto? In the past, I bought some from this website...

We usually avoid recommending particular brands for a variety of ethical and journalistic reasons.  The real question is: who can you trust?  Being informed means reading the labels and learning something about the history of the company.  Sometimes the choice is a particularly tough one, and the person is left following his intuition.  Perhaps prayer would help.

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Beware of Deodorants and Antiperspirants, Especially The "Safe" and "All Natural" Ones

Crystal DeodorantThere are plenty of fraudulent products that are marketed as "natural", which actually poison people chemically or otherwise. We find these cases particularly disturbing because they attempt to target the very people who are trying to be healthy. Among the best examples of this can be found in the industry of natural antiperspirants and deodorants. The leading brands, Crystal and Naturally Fresh both make fraudulent claims at the expense of their customers' health. These products contain a toxic heavy metal, and are dishonestly labeled. A typical example is the boast "No Aluminum Chlorohydrate", with the insinuation that aluminum chlorohydrate is the only source of aluminum for these products. To the contrary, "potassium alum" hides it in plain view in the ingredients list.

Potassium alum is otherwise known as "potassium aluminum sulfate" on honest labeling that is not hiding the presence of aluminum. Alum can occur in nature (which is how they manage to claim that it is "all natural"), but that does not make the alum any safer for the human body than any other form of aluminum. Mercury is likewise naturally occurring; as are hemlock, strychnine, lead, and cyanide. All of these ingredients are likewise quite dangerous to human health; especially with long-term exposure. Toxic heavy metals are still toxic heavy metals, regardless of whether they are discovered on the tops of mountains or in the depths of the oceans. Some companies claim that their alum is extracted from volcanic ash, and this makes it both natural and safe. The manufacturing process involves heating alunite rock to over 1,400° Fahrenheit, and then dousing it with sulfuric acid to finalize breaking down its molecular structure. They refer to the resulting chemically-engineered substance as both "all natural" and "unprocessed" alum.

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Why Beef Is Absolutely Critical For Children and How Big Media Has Deceived Us Again

The Truth About Beef

The Power of Iron

Our in-depth research has repeatedly verified that red meats are essential for the vision and immune systems of all developing children. There is no substitute for beef. Take for instance the iron supplements that are intended to compensate for diets lacking beef: the body absorbs less than 10% of these chemically manufactured iron supplements, and increasing their dosage quickly makes them toxic, and sometimes fatal.

In order to prove that red meat is dangerous (since this is politically correct and will therefore keep the funding money flowing) studies about red meat only utilize nitrate-laced, hormone-raised, and corn-fed beef and pork raised in horrific factory farms. This is, of course, to prove the inherent unhealthy qualities of red meat. For the sake of this politically correct science, organic, range-fed beef is conveniently avoided in virtually all of the studies that get published. The number crunchers also have a tendency to lump-in the less healthy pork with beef statistics; to skew the numbers even further. We challenge our readers to locate any credible, well-published, and peer-reviewed study showing negative health consequences from consuming organic (unbastardized) beef as part of a balanced diet.

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Naturally Eliminating Joint and Arthritis Pain

Chronic joint pain is a plague for 47 million Americans, with a large portion of them having become totally dependent upon expensive pain medications. Despite mountains of misinformation, joint pain does not necessarily need to occur with aging, and it can usually be eliminated with much safer alternatives. The human body was designed to heal itself when given the appropriate nutrients.

Arthritis is sometimes caused by a virus. This fact is somewhat ignored in the health industry, because the mainstream establishment is unable to kill the virus with antibiotics. Admitting to the impotency of their pharmaceutical arsenal would be admitting their failure, so they lie about it. Their lack of success in stopping the arthritis virus is heralded as unquestionable scientific proof that no virus exists. The logic is very circular. The evidence of the medical cover-up begins with the fact that there are some viral conditions which are known to directly cause arthritis, such as hepatitis and Lyme disease. Furthermore, the orthodox explanation of arthritis suggests that it should only occur in regions which have been historically aggravated or injured. If arthritis begins spreading throughout a body like they now admit that it does, then it is obviously not the result of an injury, or of regionalized inflammation. Injuries cannot move about with a will of their own, even if modern medical men claim that they do. Finally, there are alternative therapies that actually kill the (supposedly non-existent) virus, such as colloidal silver; to effect a permanent cure.

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Quick Tip: Homemade Eye Drops For Dryness, Irritation, Itching, and Various Infections

Most people experience periodic eye problems, including infections, dryness and injuries. Eye drops are usually the first response to these situations, but the eye drops that are sold in pharmacies normally contain thimerosal (thiomersal). It is an allergy-inflicting, mercury-containing preservative that has rightly sparked outrage for its use in vaccines. Standard eye drops contain a plethora of other toxic ingredients that were designed to ensure that they never have bacterial growth. The chemicals were chosen specifically because they are poisonous.

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Whole Foods Market Can No Longer Be Trusted For Safe Wholesome Foods or Even To Tell The Truth

We have previously covered the sale of soy products at Whole Foods Market, along with their blatant promotions of canola oil. Nevertheless, we had hoped that there was merely somebody high-up within Whole Foods who was still buying into that whole "soy is a health food" scam, and thus, they were simply ignorant of the last 10 years of scientific findings. Yet on a recent trip to Whole Foods, we inspected only a handful of products, and discovered the use of autolyzed yeast extract. It was quite a disappointment.

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Fibromyalgia: The F.D.A. Ignores An Entire Disease Caused By Its Approved Excitotoxins and Remains Silent About The Cure

The painful, or sensitive spots on a fibromyalgia sufferer.

We briefly wrote about monosodium glutamate and aspartame previously.  Both are excitotoxins, which means that they over-excite the brain's neurons, until many of them burn-out.  We have always recommended that our readers avoid these substances, since they are leading causes of disorders which include epilepsy, diabetes, obesity and sudden heart attacks (even amongst young athletes).

We recently discovered a common disease which appears to be caused only by these substances, and cured simply by their avoidance.  What is astounding is that this discovery was made through the F.D.A.'s website.  I do not believe there has ever been a natural cure posted on their website before, but it was hardly one of their main pages.  The fact that you have to learn about it from us is a clear indicator of how corrupt the medical industry and its regulators are.  The page with the information appears to be an old, archived e-mail; so it is likely that this information was never intended to be made public.  We feel certain that it was not meant to be.

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Jim Humble's MMS Fraud

M.M.S. was an acronym for "Miracle Mineral Supplement", but it was changed to "Miracle Mineral Solution" to evade media attention and F.D.A. actions. If you are not already cringing from the marketing, you may be when you discover that it is chlorine dioxide (oxygenated chlorine). The marketing of this product is so dishonest that even its name was based upon lies. It was never a mineral nor a miracle, or even a supplement. Chlorine deficiencies do not exist in any living creature. The name change happened because the product had been well exposed as a dangerous fraud, in much the same way that a career criminal will change his name to inhibit police investigations and arrests. A similar product is called "MMS2", and it is sold by the same people.

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The 2010 Worst Restaurant of the Year Award Goes To Subway

Nationwide restaurant chains are invariably unhealthy, which makes choosing the worst restaurant of the year difficult.  Our 2010 award may come as a shock to some of our readers.  It is a restaurant that uses toxic ingredients, while marketing its products toward the health-conscious.

Subway was started in 1965 by a 17-year-old, named Fred DeLuca, who wanted to make extra money to pay for his college tuition.  He borrowed $1,000 from a family friend, Peter Buck, who would later become his business partner.  Their food has always been marketed as being fresh and healthy.  The Subway chain is now owned by Doctors Associates, Inc., which in turn is still owned by Peter and Fred.  Neither of which are medical doctors, by the way.  From what we can tell, Doctor's Associates, Inc. does nothing more than own Subway, and gives the misleading impression that doctors are being consulted about the nutritional value of Subway's foods.  In fact, there appears to be no doctors involved with Doctor's Associates, Inc. at all, and Subway no longer offers fresh and healthy alternatives.

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Quick Tip: How To Cure A Hangover

Home remedies for hangovers have been circulating for years, but they are invariably ineffective. To eliminate a health condition, we must first isolate the true causes. In the case of hangovers, the causes include dehydration, a sugar crash, and chemical poisoning. Modern alcoholic beverages are far more likely to produce hangovers than those available decades ago. Many wines now contain nitrates, which are known to cause headaches and grogginess, whilst reducing oxygen flow in the body to yield extreme acidosis. Some alcoholic drinks contain artificial flavors and colors, and are barely comparable to the beverages of yesteryear. Drinking large amounts of these beverages is the equivalent to having a huge binge on chemically and genetically engineered ConAgre foods. To make the point about toxicity clear: taking a teaspoon of powdered activated charcoal prior to drinking these toxic products will usually prevent a hangover, since activated charcoal prevents the absorption of most poisons, while not effecting alcohol.

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BPA Is In Metal Food Containers Too, Because It Was Intentionally Put There - To Make Them "Safe"

BPA laced "organic" tomatoes from Hunt's. This should be no surprise since Hunt's is now a division of the bio-technology powerhouse, ConAgra.

Those who are knowledgeable about plastic containers and the dozens of toxins that they leach (e.g. antimony and BPA) will often choose canned foods as a healthier alternative. However, aluminum cans, and aluminum water bottles have a secret plastic inner lining. This is because aluminum is known for reacting with either acids or alkalies, and aluminum combines with whatever it reacts to. If no plastic liner were present, people would be getting massive amounts of aluminum in their diets through metal food and drink containers. The plastic liners contain bisphenol-A in practically every case, including the organic options. This is not simply restricted to aluminum drink cans, but it branches out to all aluminum cans, including those which are used to can foods. The baked beans, soups, and canned vegetables found at retailers all have it.

Studies testing for the presence of BPA found that it was higher in food containers than soft drink cans. It is presumed that this is because canned foods are processed at much higher temperatures. There is only one brand that is currently claiming to use BPA-free cans, Eden Organic Baked Beans. However, the company still uses BPA for its canned tomato products. Some companies claim that their use of BPA is currently unavoidable for some products. However, there are other options that they could explore, such as glass containers, bees wax coatings, and more resilient metals. Most people would gladly pay a few cents more for alternative containers, if it ensured that their foods and drinks were pure.

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Why Rancid 'Healthy' Oils Are More Dangerous Than the Bad Oils

People tend to thoughtfully consider the nutritional value of the cooking oils that they choose, but the rancidity of oils is actually of greater importance. Whenever an oil is heated enough, it undergoes a chemical breakdown, which leads to it becoming rancid. The heat-induced process sometimes transforms healthy oils into dangerous oils. This happens regardless of the original nutrient content.

Every oil has a smoke point. This is the temperature at which the nutritional content of an oil begins rapidly degrading. The smoke point is when oils become harmful, and it is when they begin actually emitting smoke, which is often more toxic than the destroyed oil. Every time an oil is reused, its smoke point temperature is lowered, because it has already undergone some break-down from previous uses. The reuse of oils is one of the main reasons why eating at restaurants is discouraged, because the oils will be bad in even restaurants that purchase healthy oils. Although, it is not often that they do.

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How the Establishment Uses Pain and Addiction as Tools to Keep Us Compliant

The "Dangerous" Opium Poppy Flower. This plant is a threat to the powers-that-be.

On occasion, we are asked about all-natural pain neutralizers, which brings us to the disgusting position that all of us are in. All of the powerful pain-killing herbs have been outlawed amongst the general population, for the sake of maintaining Big Medica's stranglehold on emergency medicine. In this era, only members of the establishment are allowed access to natural herbs that effectively neutralize extreme pain.

Pain is one of the surest ways to ensure that we comply with their system, and sooner or later, our pain will make certain that we become "consumers" of it; whether we like it or not. We get educated about being good consumers through our pain, of which we are not allowed to remedy ourselves. The doctors and pharmacists play heroes by giving us the same medicines that are our God-given right to have in the first place. Most people buy into this fraudulent side-show, and they will never realize that all of the high-potency pain-killers are merely extracts of opium, or that our hallowed science does not even have the capability to do it without the natural compounds from this herb. This herb, is of course, illegal for the rest of us. These God-given medicinal plants are called "dangerous drugs" in our hands; but don't worry, for they have plenty of chemically-enhanced and chemically-laced opium extracts (heroin, morphine, codeine) that are expensive, dangerous, and intentionally addictive to be used in opium's place. Pure, organic opium is neither addictive nor dangerous -- until it is "enhanced" in a chemical laboratory. Ah, the miracles of science! I think not. The more educated a person becomes about Big Medica's pain-killing con-job, the less grateful he tends to be about these "miracle" drugs that "science" gave us. The dangerous and addictive drugs that are substituted for natural opium are more like dealing with the devil than any miracle, and there are hidden prices to be paid for their use.

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The Rise and Fall of a Naturally Good Magazine and The Big Media Cartel That Eliminates Such Publications

Cover photo for issue 3 of Naturally Good MagazineWhile this article is slightly off-topic, it nevertheless is something that everyone should read. Everyone needs to know what is happening, and it is time for some whistleblowing. By the time you reach the end, you are likely to be shocked at the state of things. We were.

I saw Sarah this morning wearing her white pull over. It was a reminder of a dream. Over her heart, in bold navy blue stitching was printed, "Naturally Good Magazine Staff". Before we created this site and the audio editions of The Health Wyze Report, we had a printed magazine. It represented what magazines should be, and what they were in a better time. In our first three issues, we covered almost everything that people need, in order to live long and healthy lives. Much of the material for this web site comes from those issues, and the six months of hard core research that went into them.

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Aging Doesn't Equal Weight Gain, Slowed Metabolism, Poor Health, or Fatigue

When we were children, exercise was normal and enjoyable.  As we age, we progressively exercise less.  In fact, we become sluggish and tired, and feel the need to sleep much more than we did as children.  As a result, we have come to believe that our metabolism naturally slows down as we become older.  A popular myth even claims that it is the design of the body to gain weight in later years, as a means of warmth that compensates for a slowed metabolism.  This is simply a wishful fabrication.  In addition to the reduction in exercise, the average adult body has a high toxic load.  It has been given poisonous foods for far longer than a child.  As a result, vital organs don't function as well as they should, especially the thyroid and adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing the hormones behind metabolism.

Fat is where toxins are stored, which is one of the reasons for the epidemic of obesity plaguing the western world.  The body stores toxins inside fat cells in much the same way that oysters produce pearls to protect themselves from impurities.  The body resists attempts to lose weight, in large part, because toxins stored inside fat cells must be re-released into the body.  However, not only will losing fat (and toxins) ultimately make you healthier, it will also eventually boost your metabolism.  When attempting to lose weight, the beginning is by far the hardest stage, because one's metabolism speeds only in correlation with the amount of weight that is lost.  For an in-depth report about all that is involved in proper and healthy weight loss, reference our article, Why Dieting Actually Makes People Fat and How To Do It Right.

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The Claimer: The information provided herein is intended to be a truthful and corrective alternative to the advice that is provided by physicians and other medical professionals. It is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent disease.