Political Articles
The Whitewashed Tyranny of Abraham Lincoln
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- Written by Tara Dodrill Tara Dodrill
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: November 15, 2017 November 15, 2017

Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. President, motivated by a patriotic and Christian desire to preserve the union of states and free the slaves. At least that is what modern textbooks suggest. There is a bigger story to the 16th President of the United States than the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. A whitewashed version of the man is all that we learned about him in school. It is what our children and grandchildren are still being taught. Public school districts and universities have been dutifully parroting that the Southern states of Lincoln's era had a perverse culture, while Northern society was superior. This became the politically-correct mantra when 'teaching' about Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War for generations after the Civil Rights Movement. The identity politics is only getting worse, and more blatant.
The narrative is not only infused heavily with liberal bias, but moreover, it is entirely wrong. Far too many Americans, both current students and adults, believe that the Civil War was a war about slavery. This liberalized version of history does not chronicle the political shenanigans that were undertaken by groups to harden their centralized (federal) grasp on power, as is still the case today. Most Americans do not believe that this issue was at play during Lincoln's era, but they are so very wrong. The current political atmosphere in America is a testament to how ignorance of history forces a people to repeat it.
Decency in the Age of Facebook
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- Written by The Angry White Man The Angry White Man
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: November 13, 2017 November 13, 2017
Sex ought to be a sacred and loving exchange between consenting adults. Whatever it is and however it happens, it should be done in private. If we all do not agree with the first premise, you would think that most of us could agree on the second. There are certain behaviors that do not belong in the public sphere. The most obvious of these behaviors consist of bedroom and bathroom activities. Getting to work, catching a bus, buying coffee and holding a conversation would all be needlessly complicated if people were fornicating and relieving themselves thereabouts.
I do not seek to be vulgar, but we seem to be in a moment where the very notion of privacy is being eroded. Those amongst us who seek greater control over our lives are no longer content to regulate our actions in public. They want every aspect of our lives to be subjected to their scrutiny and approval. In order to accomplish this, they need our co-operation in removing the barrier of privacy, so that our private lives can be displayed in the public sphere. One way in which this is accomplished is by desensitizing us, by making whatever instinctually feels intrusive and unwarranted more commonplace.
High-Level Democrat Organization Plots End to Freedom of Speech in U.S.
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: November 12, 2017 November 12, 2017
We got the heads-up for this from thegatewaypundit.com. We have an actual Democrat strategy document from the Media Matters organization that openly talks about their coordination with the media and "social media" to suppress free speech and defame Trump. The document is about how they dishonestly manipulate us, in other words, while plotting to subvert our basic rights. Watch out for the phrase "propaganda" in the document, for it is used in place of "free speech". It is important to remember that the abbreviation "NAZI" stood for National Socialist.
Here is the document (PDF): Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action
Please notice how Orwellian and disarming the document's title is, despite perpetrating an attempt to end democracy.
Media Blackout About Charter Schools Saving Detroit's Students
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- Written by Tara Dodrill Tara Dodrill
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: October 29, 2017 October 29, 2017
A heated debate over charter schools erupted in a church basement in Detroit last week. The Michigan city has one of the highest numbers of charter schools in the entire United States. Local public school officials lamented the high percentage of students lost to charter schools and alleged the best place to educate a child is in a public school. The claim was a bold one for a school district that had only emerged from a decade of emergency state control last spring.
The Education Achievement Authority (E.A.A.) was introduced by Michigan's Democrat Governor, Rick Snyder, in 2011. It resulted in the state's takeover of the 15 poorest performing Detroit Public School District campuses. The plan to expand the program statewide evaporated after dismal results, and the influx of taxpayer funds to cover the district's existing debt never materialized.
Imagine If U.S. Healthcare Had a Truly Free Market
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: October 21, 2017 October 21, 2017
There is no American who is ignorant of the fact that healthcare costs are currently exorbitant and prohibitive. We are collectively faced with the false narrative that healthcare is an inherently expensive endeavor, and thus people are either doomed to face bankruptcy in any free market, or the government must save us all with a single-payer model. Leftists posit that prior to the presidency of Obama, America suffered under a free market failure, and that people were too often bankrupted by unforeseen accidents and diseases. They insist that the problem with Obamacare is that it did not do enough, and that affordable care remains impossible because the government did not remove the profit motive from medicine altogether. They say that we can only solve the affordability problem by demanding that our government save us from the real problem, which we are assured is greed.
One Man's Freedom is Another's Oppression
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: September 03, 2017 September 03, 2017

Many people have misjudged me over the course of the years, and misjudged the organization that I represent. We have borne the burden of stereotypes because of what we represent. We operate an alternative medicine research organization. Countless people have assumed that we must have very leftist political leanings, that we are uneducated, that we have promoted medical frauds which could have hurt innocent people, or simply that we are damn fools. In actuality, we are none of these things. Due to our reports about alternative medicine, and particularly in regard to our chastisement of mainstream medicine, many have assumed that we are crazed conspiracy theorists. We do, in fact, contend that there are pervasive conspiracies within our medical establishment and within our educational establishment. For many, this is exactly where the conversation stops. It stops when we start suggesting that there is something so terribly wrong that it must have been intentionally orchestrated, and it is therefore a conspiracy.
America's Invisible Civil War
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: August 29, 2016 August 29, 2016
It is election season here in America, and it is the big one. Normally the presidential elections are considered to be the more important elections, but this one is even more significant than usual. This time, it seems to be a case of do or die, in determining the survival of the United States. As I have stated elsewhere: The upcoming election is not a battle between the Democrats and the Republicans, nor is it a conflict between the Liberals and the Conservatives. The conflict is not even a struggle between what is now being called 'progressivism' and sanity. The real fight is between the Communists and the Christians. It is between men of conscience and those who embrace the darkest and most murderous order that the world has ever known. Our opponents want to gleefully watch America burn, as a symbol of defeating Christianity and the freedoms that its people gave to the world. Never before in American history has an election been so clearly a matter of good versus evil.
The Communistic Lies of Socialized Medicine in America
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: December 15, 2014 December 15, 2014

American health care is abysmal, and this sorry state is used as one of the primary justifications for implementing a nationalized health care system, under the pretext that the medical situation cannot possibly get worse. For instance, the U.S. currently has the highest infant death rate of the civilized world, despite virtually all births being performed at hospitals, and the infants getting the most prenatal care. The socialized 'solution' would force Americans to funnel even more money into this greed-ridden pit of death and destruction, which is already considered world-wide to be the worst of the worst, despite what Americans like to believe. To put the true carnage into perspective, every country with working telephones has better survival rates, and in fact, the U.S. is ranked 38th in life expectancy. This is why the people of other countries tend to laugh whenever they hear Americans bragging about having the best medicine in the world. Just properly prescribed medicines kill more Americans every year than any war in its history, and this information comes from the medical industry's own mortality statistics. That does not account for the mistakes, the botched surgeries, or the cases wherein the establishment refused to take any responsibility. It is an exercise in sociology to understand how the American society can convince itself that it has superiority in an area where all of the data shows that it is clearly amongst the most inferior.
The Rise of Home Schooling
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: March 26, 2010 March 26, 2010
Why Home Schooling is Becoming Increasingly Popular

Parents choose to home school for different reasons. The reason is most commonly a need to provide moral instruction to their children, followed by a concern about public school environments. In increasing numbers, parents are home schooling their children to evade state interference in the raising of their children, and to avoid the demands by school systems that their children be placed on anti-depressants, or other drugs that effect their minds.
Teachers have become the doctors in many schools, immediately making an A.D.D. diagnosis for any child who is defiant, disruptive, or who has difficulty focusing. Then the teacher, with the full backing of the school, will direct the parents to a specific school-friendly doctor who is known for prescribing drugs after these referrals. When parents refuse to comply, then the school systems often threaten to contact social services about the parents' purported "abusive medical neglect". Of course, in reality, it is the schools which are abusing children in these cases, by denying them their basic human rights to be individuals without forced psychiatric medications.
The Texas State Board of Education's Attack on The United States, Our Creator, and How It All Got Started
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Political Articles Political Articles
- Published: February 12, 2010 February 12, 2010

One of our friends recently contacted us about serious trouble that is brewing in Texas, which will negatively impact the future of the United States. It is not to be taken lightly. The Texas State Board of Education is about to redefine education in such a way that it is just short of open treason against the United States. They are openly and actively planning on rewriting the social studies curriculum about the United States to remove all references to its religious heritage; and in what is perhaps an even more bold move, they also plan to remove all patriotic themes from Texas textbooks. Many readers will recall that our original colonists were specifically called "pilgrims", because they were seeking religious freedom in the New World. You may skip ahead to watch the related video now about the Texas Board of Education, but you are encouraged to first read some relevant history about how we got into this mess, which is cited below.
Why A True History Is Important
In the late 1980's, I once listened to a kooky sounding man named William ("Bill") Cooper on an A.M. radio show. He had worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence, where he became privy to information that he had a duty as an American, and as a Christian, to share with the American people. I was never a frequent listener to A.M. broadcasts, but Cooper's ranting was initially interesting enough to hold my rapt attention. At some point, I realized that his conspiracy warnings made sense in a way that conventional reports from established media power-houses never did.