Health Reports
Mail Bag #12: The Usual Medical Results
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 10, 2014 October 10, 2014
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From: Thomas Corriher To: Jerry Subject: Re: Parkinson's Disease Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:23:00 |
"My wife is in the latter stages of Parkinson's. I have heard that Parkinsons med's do not work after five or six years and matter of fact are going more harm than good. Is it possible to wean her off those med's and how should this be handled?"
Naturally Curing Alopecia Areata
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 09, 2014 August 09, 2014
Alopecia (alopecia areata) is a condition wherein victims lose patches of scalp hair, and it does not grow back. In extreme cases, it causes complete hair loss. As is the case for many disease states that the medical establishment cannot explain, it is claimed that alopecia is an autoimmune disease. The official mantra is that alopecia cannot be cured, so its symptoms must be treated perpetually by a suppression of the immune system. Whenever the immune system attacks a part of the body, it actually does so because there is a problem of toxicity or there is a pathogen. Our research shows that alopecia is a condition resulting from a body so toxic that it must turn against itself. As such, the antibiotics that are initially prescribed often make the condition worse by increasing the body's overall toxic burden. When the antibiotics inevitably fail, as they do in virtually all cases, the doctors then typically issue steroid shots, or liver-destroying immunosuppressant drugs. The allopathic establishment insanely concludes that the immune system is the problem and attacks it. It is like blaming the smoke from a fire, and then trying to eliminate the smoke (which was never the real problem) by pumping oxygen into the burning building. This is why the success rate for treating this condition is so underwhelming when it is treated with standard medicine.
Naturally Curing Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: July 15, 2014 July 15, 2014

For the sake of brevity, most of the research that we have compiled about Lyme disease is being omitted from this edition. The omissions include how Lyme disease is a U.S. Military bio-weapon that was accidentally released from the U.S.D.A. facility on Plum Island, as was the West Nile Virus, bird flu, swine flu, and others. By the time that you read this, we may have a thorough report online, or an audio show at our site, You may read about the illegal germ warfare program, which dates back to Operation Paperclip, in the book, Lab 257.
Finding useful and credible information about Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult, because those who have done research are usually afraid to talk about their findings. Our research causes us to conclude that weaponized Lyme disease employs a genetically-modified hybrid of syphilis, like the one that was used in the infamous Tuskegee Experiment. It lives in a symbiotic relationship with microscopic parasites that it nourishes. This explains why the disease is so difficult to eradicate. Attacking only the virus without attacking the microscopic worms can enable them to flourish, reproduce, and to breed more of the viral component. Therefore, a two-pronged approach is needed to effectively cure Lyme disease. The virus and the parasite must be attacked at the same time.
How to Heal Cavities
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 01, 2014 January 01, 2014

While traveling to some of the most remote regions and cultures of the world, Dr. Weston A. Price discovered that some groups which had no access to modern medicine had extremely low incidences of cavities. He discovered that the cultures which consumed foods that were high in fats and minerals had the best dental health. Some of those groups did not even brush their teeth.
When people are malnourished, dental problems are often the first indicator. Most people from the Western world believe that teeth naturally decay with age, so everyone will inevitably get cavities. Popular consensus is that teeth self-destruct. However, a person's diet primarily determines his dental health. The myth that people have no control over the deterioration of the teeth is one of the justifications for the fluoridation of water supplies, because it is tacitly contended that human teeth disintegrate without help from the chemical industry. In truth, cavities and dental malformations occur as a result of malnutrition, which is actually exaggerated by chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals and fluoride. Western foods are not only deficient in vitamins and minerals, but they also contain chemicals which impair the utilization of nutrients in the body. Tooth decay is more common in pregnant and nursing women, because these women have greater nutritional needs.
Special Investigative Report: Curing Diabetes Naturally and Holistically
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 30, 2013 November 30, 2013
Chronic diseases such as diabetes are becoming more prevalent. Diabetes diagnoses are increasing at a steady rate of 5% annually in the U.S., and there is no sign of either a cure or a preventative from the medical establishment. The total cost of treating diabetes was approximately $245,000,000,000.00 ($245 billion) in the United States alone for the year 2012, according to the American Diabetes Association. Until very recently, type 2 diabetes did not occur in children, so it was formerly known as "adult onset" diabetes. Now, type 2 diabetes occurs in children as young as two years old. Meanwhile, the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge that diseases could be caused by artificial foods that are manufactured by the chemical industry, its own drugs, and by overall toxicity. Therefore, the victims will continue to get younger.
The Toxicity of Dryer Sheets, Fabric Softeners, and Laundry Detergents
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: November 16, 2013 November 16, 2013
Health conscious people have a tendency to overlook the hazards in their cleaning materials, and manufacturers are not required to accurately list the ingredients of such products. Manufacturers simply do not mention ingredients that they think customers would disapprove of. In other cases, they use vague terms like "brightener", instead of listing the standard chemical names.
Laundry detergents usually contain chemicals that are dangerous to the health and irritating to the skin. A residue of these chemicals remains on clothing after it is washed. Clear evidence of this can be found in scented products, because chemical fragrances would be useless if they were simply washed out. Chemical fragrances are especially bad, and are known for aggravating asthma.

Quick Tip: A Tea for Eliminating Coughing and Lung Inflammation
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 24, 2013 October 24, 2013
The following recipe should help to arrest coughing and improve breathing. It is especially helpful during cold and flu infections. Several of the herbs have a numbing effect that is soothing to lung and throat pain. For especially bad lung irritation, this tea may be used in conjunction with mullein, but this should rarely be necessary. Readers should not underestimate the effectiveness of this herbal formulation. It is as powerful as any cough syrup and faster acting. Moreover, this remedy has a therapeutic effect overall, while the chemicals in commercial cough syrups impair the immune system.
Recovering from Common Colds and the Flu
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 14, 2013 October 14, 2013
Those who eat a balanced and wholesome diet should seldomly become ill. Healthy people are usually able to combat minor infections without showing any symptoms. However, even healthy people become sick whenever their exposure to pathogens is persistent, or when they have become too lax in their diets. Emotional stress can weaken the immune system too.
Our usual recommendations about the avoidance of most sugars, and a diet featuring vegetables should be disregarded during sickness. While these healthy habits may be ideal for preventing illness, they can actually slow a body's recovery when an infection has taken hold. During sickness, normal digestion is essentially suspended, and it is very common for the intestinal yeast to overrun the beneficial bacteria, which would normally help to digest the more challenging foods, like vegetables.
The Most Common Frauds of Alternative Medicine
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: October 08, 2013 October 08, 2013
Everyone is Guilty
Dr. Mercola swears that krill oil does not contain mercury and he claims that supplementation from this bottom-feeder is safer than traditional omega-3 sources, including those purely from plants, which are always absolutely free of heavy metals. To dishonestly push his krill product, Mercola furthermore claims that flax oil (the original flax supplement from whence the benefits of omega-3 were first proven and which is the core component of the anti-cancer Budwig Protocol) is actually inferior, because it does not contain the same omega oils that krill does. He neglects mentioning that the heavy processing causes krill oil to become rancid, to lack healthy oils by the time it reaches consumers, and that it is a carcinogen by that time.
"...I investigated the high temperature treatment for fish oils, for the purpose of making them keep longer, and killing their fishy taste. I came to the conclusion that these oils do great harm to the entire internal glandular system, as well as to the liver and other organs and are therefore not suitable for human consumption."
-- Dr. Johanna Budwig
The "Shaken Baby Syndrome" Lie
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: September 26, 2013 September 26, 2013
Shaken baby syndrome has been increasingly diagnosed over the past 50 years, but the evidence of malfeasance is all anecdotal. It consists of individual case reports that were written by doctors who detailed their post-mortem observations and presumptions. This marketing of gratuitous assumptions conveniently limits the liability of doctors and hospitals.
Medical literature reports that the symptoms of shaken baby syndrome include extreme irritability, decreased appetite, no vocalization, poor sucking or swallowing, rigidity, difficulty breathing, seizures, inability for the eyes to track movement, swollen head or a soft spot on the head which appears to be bulging.
When a child is taken to the hospital with these symptoms, physicians often perform a brain scan to find signs of hemorrhaging and swelling. Parents are often charged with child abuse when these symptoms are discovered, and they are virtually always accused of murder whenever a child dies. There is rarely any investigation into other possible causes. The medical establishment has galvanized into purporting that shaking a child is the only way for such injuries to occur, while studies on animals have already shown that this is not the case. In mice, brain swelling that is identical to the swelling that supposedly occurs from shaken baby syndrome is caused by the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine.
Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 15, 2013 August 15, 2013
Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh. Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends. Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.
The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic and anti-viral. Nothing worked better then, and nothing does now. The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products in the 1930's, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be patented; but the organization's antibiotic and vaccine industry partners were able to patent their wares. Under the Food and Drug Administration's original name, The Bureau of Chemistry, its real mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic chemicals to be "generally recognized as safe", and to eliminate the chemical industry's competition through regulations. This history has likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the truth can be found in materials from its early period.
How To Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: August 11, 2013 August 11, 2013
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland has been weakened by poor nutrition, thyroid toxicity, bad lifestyle, stress, and too much medical 'help'. A victim of hypothyroidism has a body that can no longer adequately produce vital hormones. The establishment considers it to be yet another "autoimmune disease"; unilaterally rejecting all legitimate causative factors. The immune system only attacks things that it detects as being toxic.
The thyroid gland is suppressed by the intake of soy; an ingredient in the great majority of processed foods, and even in most of the so-called healthy alternatives. Additionally, fluoride is extremely damaging to the thyroid. Until the 1970's, doctors prescribed fluoride to patients with hyperthyroidism (an over-active thyroid) in order to cripple it. It was shown to be effective at 2 mg. per day. People in the present are estimated to be consuming 2-10 mg. per day from tap water, non-stick cookware, toothpaste, pharmaceuticals, infant formula, processed cereals, and sodas. Hypothyroidism is also recognized to be caused by certain medications, such as lithium.
The G.M.O. Boycott List
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 02, 2013 May 02, 2013
When we began our work at Health Wyze Media in 2008 as Naturally Good Magazine, we knew that genetic engineering was a rapidly-growing problem. Yet we were ignorant of the staggering breadth of the problem. Only a small percentage of the health researchers such as us, and the top executives of the biotechnology industry have any comprehension of how corrupted the food supply in the Americas has become. The problem is so wide and so severe that we have avoided reporting it for fear that truthful reporting on this topic would harm our credibility. People would never believe it. For us as reporters, the exploding disease statistics prove that our discoveries are not flawed or exaggerated, and those staggering numbers include all of those supposedly mysterious "genetic disorders" that never existed before in history. Let's not forget those new "immune system disorders" either, which do not afflict peoples in remote societies that live on organic diets.
Curing Endometriosis Through Natural Methods
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: April 25, 2013 April 25, 2013
Endometriosis is a condition that effects 10 percent of women who are of child-bearing age. It occurs when the tissues that normally grow inside the uterus grow in other locations. It is a notoriously painful condition, which many women have described as being more intense than child birth. Internal scar tissue may eventually develop, which is a known cause of infertility. Medical books provide differing explanations as to why this condition is so incredibly painful, but there are only guesses, and endometriosis is not well understood by the orthodox medical establishment.
Most doctors treat this condition by suppressing its symptoms with painkillers, or by placing women on birth control drugs that cause them to skip their monthly cycle. As a result of such neglect, endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility in the civilized world. The mainstream methods of suppressing endometriosis are usually futile. The only drugs that provide effective relief are extremely addictive, and all surgical attempts are largely failures. The most common long-term treatment is laparoscopic surgery to remove the excess tissues, but the condition has an extremely high recurrence rate despite surgical interventions. Some women get hysterectomies to eliminate endometriosis, but even in these cases, it sometimes returns in different places. Pregnancy is the only thing that reliably cures the condition, and it provides relief even in those rare cases when endometriosis is not completely cured. The condition always stops when menopause begins.
The Legend of Mike Adams and the Reality
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- Written by C. Thomas Corriher and Sarah C. Corriher C. Thomas Corriher and Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: February 06, 2013 February 06, 2013
The number of queries to the Health Wyze Report for information about fraudulent alternative medicines and unwise supplementation has increased dramatically during the past couple of years. Some of the requests included questions about the wisdom of eating mushrooms to cure cancer, drinking iodine for thyroid issues, and the supposed benefits of eating underwater plants. The questions might have been funny if the long term results of the misinformation were not so tragic. As health researchers, we noticed unmistakable trends that could not be ignored concerning the increases in frequency of these requests. The spikes occurred especially after two events.
Naturally Treating and Curing Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
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- Written by Thomas Corriher Thomas Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 12, 2013 January 12, 2013
Teeth grinding (bruxism) usually occurs at night while the sufferer sleeps, and normally it is first noticed by the person's spouse. In children, teeth grinding is likely to go unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. Bruxism should be considered a serious health condition, because a sufferer's tooth enamel may be eventually destroyed, leaving effected teeth extremely vulnerable to decay. The cosmetic consequences can be terrible too. In the worst cases, the aftermath of bruxism requires the complete removal of teeth.
The dental and medical establishments usually recommend that sufferers wear mouth retainers (night guards) during sleep periods, to protect against further damage. While this is a wise option for some sufferers of bruxism, it is nonetheless important to note that this reflects an institutional policy of categorically ignoring all causes of this condition. The standard approach is, at best, a temporary suppression of a single symptom of some potentially serious underlying issues. It is like removing the batteries from a smoke detector, instead of fighting the fire that is causing the alarm. Teeth grinding is always a symptom of another health issue, so masking the symptom with a retainer should only be a short-term solution.
Poisonous Christmas Lights, Toys, and Trees
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: December 09, 2012 December 09, 2012
During Christmas time, people tend to be more trusting, and are not as vigilant about protecting their health as they are throughout the year. Yet, there are elevated poisoning risks during Christmas. One of the biggest health threats at Christmas is lead. Lead is present in the cabling of Christmas lights, and in the solder of artificial Christmas trees.
American shoppers may notice this warning on Christmas light packages:
"Handling the coated electrical wire on this product exposes you to lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after use."
The Most Popular 'Medical Ethic' is Greed
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- Written by William Kay, M.D. William Kay, M.D.
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012
The phrase "medical ethics" sounds great in principle, but some important questions remain unanswered. Who is deciding what is ethical in medicine? How are those decisions being used? In this article we will explore some of the very ugly uses of modern "medical ethics", namely the protection of hospital assets, limiting patient choices, obliterating the physician-patient relationship, and allowing hospital administrators to bully medical staff.
Medical ethics committees were originally created in the 1970's and promoted as a means to protect patients from being abused by an evolving medical system that was becoming increasingly driven by greed. Today's hospital-based ethics committees are almost universally comprised of members who have been personally chosen by the C.E.O. of the hospital, who are themselves businessmen with no medical education. The C.E.O.'s primary job at a hospital is to increase profits. It is starting to look like the fox has been placed in charge of protecting the hen house, isn't it?
Health Alert: Avoid Imported Orange Juice
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- Written by Sarah C. Corriher Sarah C. Corriher
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 14, 2012 January 14, 2012

HEALTH ALERT: Minute Maid, Simply Orange, and Tropicana brands of orange juice have been found to be contaminated with a dangerous fungicide. The Health Wyze Report Staff recommends only purchasing orange juice from companies that do not import their oranges, such as Florida Natural, and disposing of any other orange juices.
The F.D.A. is currently doing an "investigation" and has temporarily stopped imports of orange juice, which means that they are waiting until all of the tainted orange juice has been consumed, so they may proclaim that the crisis is over. There is no recall, nor will there be one.
In Brazil, a fungicide, known as carbendazim is used to prevent fungus from growing on trees, but this fungicide has not been approved in the United States. Carbendazim has been linked to birth defects in humans, and death in fish. The manufacturer, DuPont, has already been forced to pay damages for some of the harm that their chemical has caused. Carbendazim was banned in Australia, due to studies linking it with infertility.
F.D.A. Blocked Suicide Warning for Anti-Depressants
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- Written by Kurt Danysh Kurt Danysh
- Category: Reports Reports
- Published: January 12, 2012 January 12, 2012
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor anti-depressants (S.S.R.I.'s) hit the market in 1988. Immediately, reports of intense suicidal thoughts and actions while taking these drugs began to flood into the F.D.A.. Despite the reports, and data indicating a higher rate of suicides from those using the drugs than from those using placebos, it took about twenty years for the F.D.A. to issue a warning about the risk.
The warning was considered a victory to many who had lost loved ones to S.S.R.I. drugs. Public perception was that the F.D.A. had stood up to Big Pharma and forced reluctant S.S.R.I. manufacturers to issue an appropriate warning. Thereby, solidifying the perception of the F.D.A.'s role as advocate for the public.
However, this perception has been shattered by a recent federal court ruling that exposed a dirty little secret that the F.D.A. likely hoped would never come to light. In Dobbs v. Wyeth Pharms., the court determined that the F.D.A. repeatedly prevented at least one S.S.R.I. manufacturer from issuing a suicide-related warning for fear that it might "reduce the use of anti-depressants and thereby undermine the benefit of their use in treating depression."